So I have been hearing rumors that residents from Minnesota are coming to Sioux Falls for ‘Covid Holiday Weekends’. The latest was a group of middle-aged ladies who spent the weekend shopping, getting their hair and nails done than having a nice dinner downtown.
Maybe that is why Noem decided to keep everything open, Covid tourism.
Well, I have always said that our Arcs look more like the arch in Tijuana, than Baghdad. South Dakota is Minnesota’s Mexico. But what goes on in South Dakota, does it stay in South Dakota?
Slow news day?
You dont think residents of SD are going to MN, ND, IA, NE, or anywhere else?? Many MN residents who live just over the border work in SD so why is there an issue of them taking the money they earned working in SD by actually spending it in SD?
I don’t have an issue with it, people from the Tri-state area come here all the time to shop. I just found people calling it a ‘covid weekend holiday’ kind of funny.
Talking with those across the state line I discovered they resent paying sales tax here when they don’t get a voice in government. Perhaps we’d not have had Huether debt if they had influence. One thing I’ve noticed is that state lottery casinos are full. With real casinos closed, gamblers found somewhere. Also, it’s become the new pub place. I wonder how much the state is making during COVID. With schools closed, lottery gain is not going toward education. Noem’s response ‘We got this’.
Daily Spin, seems those you are talking to don’t understand how Govt works. It has always been that if you work in a different state you pay taxes in the state you work in but can only vote in the one you live. Maybe they need to decide between moving into the state where they work or just sucking it up. I wouldn’t want people who don’t live in the state to vote on issues that impact those that do.