South DaCola

Is Corey Lewandowski pulling Noem’s puppet strings?

As I started digging around on Noem’s recent bullying efforts with the Mayor and now the Tribes, one name came up quite a bit, Corey Lewandowski.

You may or may not know that Corey was Trump’s campaign manager for president the last time around. He has also consulted the president during his presidency.

As several blogs have reported, their is a rumor swirling around that if Trump gets re-elected, he is going to tap Noem for Secretary of Agriculture. This supposed secret deal was concocted by Corey, and the rumor is he is pulling the puppet strings with how Noem has been reacting to the pandemic. Including pushing back on stay-at-home orders, telling our mayor what to do (and getting him to apologize publicly and say he was wrong and she was right). I’m also sure the sudden change in getting tough on the tribes has more to do with Trump and Lewandowski than it does with Noem. A freaking paralegal could tell you that the state has NO jurisdiction over the reservations.

See, Noem wants that cabinet position so badly, she will do anything, including handing Rhoden over to us as governor. Pierre will become one big Rodeo Cocktail Party . . . wait . . . it already is.

I wish our media would do some more digging around on this. I can tell you the TV studio in her basement wasn’t put there to better inform South Dakotans. Noem wants to go back to DC so bad she can taste it, and she’ll trample anyone to get there, with the help of Corey, of course.

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