I found this picture on FB last night, this is a line outside a popular bar in DTSF. While the restrictions are not set to lift until Tuesday, I have noticed many drinking establishments have chosen to just ignore them anyway. And why not? There are no leaders or people in authority in charge in this town. The worst part about this pandemic isn’t scenes like this, it is the total lack of leadership by our elected officials. Why implement half-baked rules with no real teeth if people are just going to ignore them anyway?

By l3wis

13 thoughts on “Social Distancing? Not so much”
  1. True. The city is like that tiny little angry dog that bites at the cuff on your pant leg but you just kick away. City codes defeat one another. It’s fun to make them look foolish at hearings or in court. An elected office or city employee has become something you add to your resume without having to work. Some offices make you a millionaire from bribes despite a salary of $100k.

  2. These people are standing in line for the additional ambulances, which the city is acquiring. No, wait a minute, the restrictions are being rescinded. ??? #Nevermind

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Does this mean that Chick-fil-A is a sure go?”)

  3. (“Say, is this the right line to stand-in to kill your grandma?”)

  4. Business as usual in South Dakota where this pandemic was exposed long ago on Fox News as a big hoax. Give me Liberty or Give me Death!

  5. We need to go back to work and kids back to school. The news media sold us all the fear they can. It has only killed old folks in rest homes.

  6. If you are one of those, who seldom visits your relatives in a nursing home, then I guess you are right.

  7. Uhmm…what’s the difference between people packed in a nursing home, people packed in a meat processing plant or people packed into a bar?

  8. It’s almost unbelievable how many people see this crisis as a temporary annoyance. When a bunch of these bar and restaurant owners were coming out a couple weeks ago and saying, “Oh, we’ll be good and keep people separated and safe. Just let us have dine-in customers again!” I didn’t buy it for a second. They’re not going to turn people away, because they want to recoup the money they lost during the ten patron limit. That’s understandable, to an extent, but also breathtakingly reckless. Add to that the fact that many people see this “reopening” as a sign that the threat of Covid-19 is nearly gone, and you have the makings of an unflattened curve (assuming you ever believed SD had flattened it to begin with). People want to believe that they can go about their daily lives as normal, and many will take even the slightest indication of safety as license to do so.

  9. Bars are the worst places to re-open as even the weakest, mild-mannered people get a bit of courage after a drink or two. We can’t get people to follow simple inconveniences at grocery stores but we expect them to abide by them after some booze? What a nightmare for anybody forced to serve these idiots.

  10. Instead of checks, the government should send out alcohol vouchers to keep everyone happy, drunk, and passed out at home until a vaccine is found. We would then all eventually wake up with an antibody, a hangover, and Trump’s second term. #InNeedOfMoreVouchers

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