South DaCola

A recount in the City of Sioux Falls At-Large election likely

As I have said before, a recount is likely. I have also said that if Jensen would have lost by 109 votes, he would have asked for one to, so I found this statement interesting from him today;

Any results that finish within two percent when the final votes are tallied can be subject to a recount, should the defeated candidate make the request formally. With almost 30,000 votes cast, city officials would need to dedicate significant time and money to any recount efforts.

It’s like he is trying to ‘shame’ Stehly into not asking for the recount (even though he would have if the tables were turned). If she asks, it will not be a fast process. I also take issue with people who always want to ‘save’ money on elections. It is the last budgetary item we should be worried about. Heck we have given more to the private non-profit State Theatre than we gave towards this election, probably 10x more. Maybe Jensen should bring that up?

After the canvass tonight, Stehly has until next Tuesday to decide if she wants a recount. After that, it could take a couple of weeks to knock one out. Also, both sides get to pick a person to represent them (likely attorneys). I heard a rumor about who the Jensen team picked, and if it is who I think it is, he is a heavy hitter in the GOP, he is also very smart, but also very conniving and will use every trick in the book to throw out votes, hopefully Stehly picks someone who is also smart & cunning but someone with integrity to combat the rat from the SD GOP.

You will see this play out as a battle between attorneys.

The interesting factor is who the city finance director picks to be the third person on the grassy knoll. As we know, Mr. Pritchett was appointed by the mayor, and the mayor openly supported Jensen, so it will be interesting to see who this ‘fair and balanced’ third person is. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

I still think Stehly could pull this off, but she is already trailing, so there is a good possibility she doesn’t. I’m okay with that, and I think she is at peace with it to. But I also know that she knows she needs to fight to the end, just like she has done over the past 4 years.

The best news from all this? Stehly stays until the recount is over and the installation occurs, which could mean another 3 weeks. Amen!

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