I’m sure TJ’s resignation was handled similar to the former Innovation Director’s, if you know what I mean.

T.J. got hired right after his angry rants on FB about liberals in which he used colorful language to describe them. His hack partisanship and deep hate for progressive ideas didn’t suit him well for public service in a non-partisan government. That is obvious.

After multiple demotions and being virtually invisible the past three months, the writing was on the wall. I was actually surprised that he lasted for 2 years. I figured he would be gone after 9 months. I’m sure there will be all kinds of rumors why he left and who he may go to work for. But let’s just say this probably wasn’t an accident.

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “City of Sioux Falls Mayor TenHaken’s Deputy COS Resignation Comb Over”
  1. It’s looking like a Trump term. Replacements and resignations. No cabinet. Trump appoints blond women replacements. Try that.

  2. Pathetic brat. Another example of PTH’s poor judgement of personal character & professional qualifications. His bias that “younger & hip” are the end-all, be-all for a modern workforce lay bare his inexperience and lack of maturity.

  3. Well … is anyone going to spill the tea? About the demotions which preceded the ‘resignation’?

  4. Guy, I think I know why this happened, but like many things in the hopper, it needs to ferment.

  5. The ’30-something, turning 40′ generation of “leaders” in Sioux Falls certainly contains more than its share of clunkers. Need I include the list?

  6. “Cash for Clunkers,” it’s how they raise money and get their people elected. Now, if only Greg would trade in his ’57 DeSoto with fins.

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