I have told people that once the boundaries are set it should be implemented like ripping a bandaid off, all at once. There should be only ONE accommodation made, if you are a Junior at one of the High Schools this fall, you should have the opportunity to finish as a Senior at that HS if you choose to. I don’t think any other accommodations should be made. Once we start giving special treatment to one sector (like honors students and Spanish immersion*) others will follow, and the special treatment will continue for years. If you stop it at the beginning, parents will be mad for a year or two, but they will get over it. Let’s face it, not everyone is going to be happy about the boundaries, but I’m willing to bet 80-90% of parents will be fine with it. Rip off the bandaid and move on.

*I have thought for awhile that the school district should also start a Mandarin (Chinese) immersion program. China is #1 trading partner, it makes sense to give students the choice to learn either or both languages.

By l3wis

11 thoughts on “Sioux Falls School Boundary Decision should be immediate without special accommodations”
  1. It’s understandable that with new schools there’s redistricting. I don’t have kids in school so I’m not concerned. Were I, I’m Independent party and couldn’t vote on this. Apparently, public schools are only for children of Republicans.

  2. Behind Spanish and English, French is the most WIDELY (more to one nation) spoken language. Why focus on just one country – how about the global economy?

  3. Ruf, believe it or not, I agree 100%. While Spanish is important, all language is.

  4. What about German? It could greatly expand ones Hutterite trade.

  5. Or we just have English language since a lot of kids these days do not speak it properly and already struggle with English reading and comprehension? Why just Spanish as language for these kids here and why a Spanish Immersion only program if going to have a full day language focused program at all?

  6. I watched both the June 3rd Work Session and the June 8th School Board meeting.

    The preliminary vote the Board took at the June 8th meeting was decisive:

    Boundaries for the Middle Schools—-Option A2

    4 to 1 with Todd Thoelke dissenting

    Boundaries for the High Schools—–Option A

    4 to 1 with Todd Thoelke dissenting

    Now, suddenly they have called a special board meeting for Wednesday to discuss another option.

    Oh, the games we play!!

  7. I doubt it’s the families who qualify for the free and reduced lunch program.

    Could it be?!

    Spanish Immersion Program(s)

    MS Honors Program

    Washington and Roosevelt’s Show Choirs

    Athletic Program(s)

    Those living west of the Tea Ellis Road who do not want their children going to McGovern/Jefferson (some of whom have been vocal in their opposition are Councilor Greg Neitzert (NW District), whose daughter will be impacted by the change, and Steve Van Buskirk representing his development, Cherry Lake Reserve).

    It was 25 years ago when the SFSD boundaries were last re-drawn. It will be many years into the future before this process will occur again.

    The Sioux Falls School District’s Board are all elected members. They were elected by the taxpayers to represent over 25,000 students and their families. At Wednesday’s Work Session and at next Monday’s Board meeting where the final vote will take place, we will see if they do the job they have been elected to do OR whether they bow to special interest groups!!

  8. The District is beginning to build a Spanish Immersion Program at the high school level at Lincoln High School.

    This is the first year their website is advertising for teachers for Spanish Immersion at Lincoln for the 2020-2021 school year.

  9. Oh, it gets better. Now a member of the Task Force claims, based on the June 17th meeting, that addressing economic diversity is addressing racial diversity, but isn’t that like saying the 2020 census can determine how many people of color live in America by not counting them, but rather just analyzing food stamp data? Such a thought is racial stereotyping, and thus, racist itself. #InstitutionalizedRacism

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