My list of heros are short and sweet, artists and musicians. Billy has always been the voice of Labor, and this live concert of him has always been bookmarked on my internets. Work is sacred, never forget that.

2 Thoughts on “Happy Labor Day

  1. "Very Stable Genius" on September 7, 2020 at 1:08 pm said:

    A South Dakota Labor Day is like military intelligence.

    #WouldULikeFreedomFriesWithThat? #HappyMinimumWageDay #HappyWageCollusionDay

  2. D@ily Spin on September 8, 2020 at 3:58 pm said:

    This Labor Day seemed quiet. Unemployment isn’t so bad here but is nationally. The pandemic prevents crowds and most recreation. It’s hard to enjoy a holiday when there’s so much sadness.

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