So let’s just imagine for a moment that the investigation has revealed that Jason is negligent, either big or small, doesn’t matter. And charges are filed. How does this look when he now appears on the statewide ballot where early voting has already begun?
As I told a couple of friends today, it’s all about appearance.
Legally, there is not much that can be done to remove him as an elector. People are already voting, and that is likely not to happen.
I’m not saying there is a connection, but the longer the state avoids presenting the facts of the investigation as a contentious presidential election is raging makes you wonder if this is more about timing and less about exposing a possible crime.
I’m willing to make the bet that we will not see a final report until after the polls close in November. As I said in a previous post, if it walks like duck and quacks like a duck, in South Dakota, that’s a corrupt duck.