South DaCola

Sioux Falls City Council meeting Sep 8, 2020 recap

Bravo to Councilor Pat Starr for being the only city councilor to vote against the property tax increase, he also gave a great speech about it. There was ZERO open discussion from the rest of the council, they just bowed their heads and did as their masters told them to do. RAISE TAXES!

During public input a citizen shamed the council (except councilors Starr and Brekke and former councilor Stehly) for not doing the right thing when it comes to evictions, the Feds had to step in.

Many people showed up tonight to talk about the importance of funding the municipal band, including many veterans. No mention of suckers or losers, which was good. Councilor Starr proposed a multi-year contract amendment. Councilor Kiley and Soehl tries to downplay it with some poppycock about a future ‘study’. We know how this goes.

The Police and Fire union contracts were approved, little talk about the contract with the rest of city employees.

Neitzert’s ethics hearing was voted on. The circus started by Greg’s attorney’s claiming Starr and Brekke should recuse themselves because they colluded with Mr. Cunningham. Silly. It is actually hilarious. If they provided Mr. Cunningham with documents, they were all PUBLIC. PUBLIC. Not anything private or privledged. Don’t be fooled by the legal mumbo-jumbo. Greg’s attorney claims this was a political attack, but Greg is the one who violated ordinance not Starr or Brekke. A political attack is accusing someone of something they did not do. Greg did it. How do you attack someone who is guilty? Guilt is guilt.

Greg’s attorneys are extremely sloppy. Emails between city councilors and citizens and conversations between city councilors and citizens are public property. Not collusion. And to make that assumption is ludicrous.

Shawn ‘Tornado’ Tornow blows the whole thing up. Good stuff. Even Gregs’ attorney could not pronounce Greg’s last name right. LOL. What is a Nit Zert?

Well, I’m not sure much was accomplished except that the hearing is at 6 PM at Carnegie on Thursday. I doubt the city camera’s will be rolling, but I am sure Bruce’s will.

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