I was John’s guest last night. John and I don’t agree on a lot of things, and it gets a little long, but it was fun.

Scott Ehrisman runs the South DaCola Blog out of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He’s been involved and awake, and asking questions of elected leaders, corporate clowns, and those around him for over a decade. In this broadcast, we talk beer, free markets, Amazon, the Corporate monstrosity, Constitutional principles, reparations, black, white, racism, the Patriot Act, WWII. We end the program with a lengthy analysis and discussion of 5G and how it is impacting the residents of Sioux Falls and other communities across South Dakota.

Here is the NATION link John mentions in the podcast and the NAVY study.

5 Thoughts on “Spearfish City Limits Podcast

  1. John Dale is a libertarian christianic religionist living in a whiteopia and renting from a gazillionaire who owns property all over western South Dakota. Dale joined fellow egomaniacs Sam Kephart, Gary Coe and others who have parachuted into Lawrence County expecting to change the good ole boy network his landlord Rand Williams actually helped to create.

    Harley owners, some of whom have ties to clubs with nefarious pasts and many of them pre-1970s graduates of Spearditch High School, cruise the streets in summer and then recuse themselves from the brutal Lawrence County winters for warmer white compounds in Scottsdale, Marana, Sedona or Mesa. Often, there are elderly parents in one of the ubiquitous long-term care facilities and cemeteries. The resultant soaring median age of the retirees seeking deliverance from the cultural diversities thriving in Colorado, California, Minnesota, even Arizona and Oregon drives the exploitation of South Dakota’s regressive tax structure and reinforces the racially insulated Nazi enclave that Spearditch is today.

    These obese Republican slackers taking advantage of the dynasty trust industry are now getting ready to flee the frozen tundra in their RVs ahead of another six-month winter and strings of below-zero days.

  2. I think you are a good American.

    Thank you for gracing the show!

    Conservatives aren’t happy you were on.

    Liberals weren’t happy Meckler was on.

    Neocons are pissed Tara and Lora were on.

    Nobody’s happy .. 😉

    So I must be doing a pretty good job!

    Keep up the great work, and let me know when you have information you’d like to extend to our audience.

    I have three shows planned .. just waiting for those all important moments of inspiration to do my best. The next three are very important and I want to get them right. First, Political Trafficking, then, two big pictures with some of the craziest information likely to be true that I’ve ever encountered.



  3. "Woodstock" on September 16, 2020 at 2:43 pm said:

    “Now, tell me again”…. “What do I need to do to get those Russian bride ads on your website?”….

  4. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on September 16, 2020 at 2:55 pm said:

    Spearfish man claims Amazon is funding BLM to destroy Main Street through rioting. But isn’t Amazon already doing that on its own, destroying Main Street that is? Best, Spearfish man keep his thoughts within his city limits to protect his Main Street. Most middle age white man conspiracies could make a great Norwegian joke book.

  5. tara volesky on September 17, 2020 at 8:15 am said:

    I think Larry Kurtz would be an exceptional guest on Spearfish City Limits. Larry, John won’t censor you. Please do it Larry.

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