One of the more revealing parts of TenHaken’s poll is the presidential race. Even if Trump got all 6% of the undecided it would be a tie.

As of October 1, 2020 there is 121K total active voters in Minnehaha County (I believe in the City of Sioux Falls there is about 80-90K registered voters). In the county about 50K are Rep, 36K are Dem and 34K are Indy. About 17K are inactive. This tells me that not only are indies leaning Biden I’m guessing there is a ton of Republicans leaning Biden.

None of this is surprising. Even if you are a hardcore Republican who usually leans always Republican, there are some disturbing things about Trump that would scare off a lot of Republicans. His lack of morality sticks out the most for me. I think Biden will take Sioux Falls with well over 50% and probably even win Minnehaha County. Of course the rest of the state will lean Trump and ultimately he will get our 3 electoral votes from AG Speedracer and the gang.

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “TenHaken’s Mayoral Poll reveals Biden leads in Sioux Falls”
  1. Not surprised at all. Didn’t Obama take Minnehaha in ’08?
    Sioux Falls is blue. That’s why Repubs need Taupeville to be relevant.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Gee, I wonder what it is like to live in Taupeville?…. “There’re plentiful voting boxes there and Chick-fil-A won’t be far”… )

  2. South Dakota hardly matters in presidential election. Candidates regard it as pocket change. I do think the AG electoral vote should be excepted because of his criminal mystery accident.

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