Yeah, you didn’t hear it here, but someone got the boot after writing strange Covid poetry to his employees, but we may never know;
Kelby Krabbenhoft and Sanford Health have agreed to part ways, Sanford announced in a news release at about 5:45 p.m. today.
This is no surprise, I have been hearing for months from Sanford employees that Kelby actually partially retired last Fall but was staying on basically for consulting for the transition to Intermountain Health. Not sure how much of that is true, but you will remember last Fall was when a lot of executives were leaving and an investigation into Denny Sanford was being done. No charges have been filed.
But as I was watching the Sioux Falls City Council Informational meeting tonight, I found it ironic that one of the city councilors who voted against a mask mandate and has admitted to having covid couldn’t even figure out how to wear a mask (you need to cover you mouth AND nose.)

While she did pull it up a few times she kept pulling it down while talking. Scientists have said that masks actually do work, BUT you need to wear them properly and you have to have 100% compliance. Maybe Christine felt like Kelby that now that she has some kind of magical immunity she didn’t have to wear the mask?
Argus reporter Ellis said it best when talking about Sioux Falls City Government, “Amateur Hour.”
There will be lots of transition now that Sanford merged. A new CEO is likely just a start. Outcome, yet to be decided.
Erickson succumbed to masks. It was the right thing to do.
‘Amateur Hour’, not really. More like puppet show with underlying corruption.
the first clue to his departure had to be when the country club told the golf tournament to take a hike.
Does anyone have a recipe for pot brownies? It’s legal, why not. My VA PTSD med has expired. To stay in SF and witness the racketeering takes dumbing down until there’s somewhere neighboring that’s still democracy.
Nothing lasts forever, but I can’t believe how quickly Sanford is imploding. Between the Medicaid problem, the cell phone issue, Kelby’s known relationship with the board, the merger, the loss of Sanford International, and now this resignation, Sanford has become the BlockBuster Video corporation of the health care industry. But unlike the competition between VHS and downloading online, we still need a good health care system and hopefully this transitional period will be for the eventual good for us all. But time will tell.
( and Woodstock adds: “But, but, what about that huge glass dome they were planning to put over the Sioux Falls Sanford hospital complex?”…. “They’re still going to do that, right?”…. “Right?”…. (…”That will be so cool”….. ))
When you wear black heels, does your mask need to be black, too?
What about that enormous tract of land Sanford has been buying up one lot at a time from their hospital site over to Minnesota Avenue? How does that ever turn out?
“I can’t wait to get my vaccine and go to Chick-fil-A”…. “2021 is going to be so great here in ‘Cowboy Country'”….
People who don’t wear masks should also wear condoms.
This whole mask debate has unmasked the phoniness of many of our local political leaders.
Both on the school board and the city council, we have witnessed sheep be indifferent and then in favor of masks, but never consistent.
This past spring, I witnessed the school board have two maskers, then after criticism by me on this blog site, it was four. Then a few months later, masks were not going to be encouraged, then after protests, they were encouraged by the board, then miraculously over night the whole school board/administration was publicly wearing masks.
This same gradual, but hesitant, reality has been shown by the council, too.
So, remember who these “leaders” are, when it comes to other issues in the future.
Because, they are not leaders, rather they are just manipulators who use politics as a way to stuff their resumes.
A book needs to be written about Huether/Premier, Sanford, Noem, and Trump. It could be entitled: The Making of Prairie Predators.
A book could also be written about Thune and ThuneHaken, too, but books about wooses seldom sell.
“People who don’t wear masks should also wear condoms.†Fear & Loathing, you may well be aware of the double entendre of your pronouncement. VSG also wisely articulated the fall of Sanford dominos over recent months: 1) A poorly-kept Sanford Health exec secret circa 2019 related to a HUGE supposed personal indiscretion buried from public view by the power of big money, 2) BIG 2019 professional embarrassment of Sanford spine surgeon dismissed after maiming patients & bilking Medicare for unnecessary surgeries, 3) Kelby’s 2020 admission his relationship with T. Denny had become “distantâ€, 4) 2020 investigation into child porn on a laptop registered to T. Denny – ongoing investigation, 5) Vote of no confidence in continuing Sanford International Vanity Gold Tourney at Minnehaha Country Club past current contract through 2022 event, 6) Intermountain Health merger naming Intermountain’s CEO as the new head honcho, 7) Kelby’s bumbling all-staff email of last week downplaying the pandemic & masking. Have I missed anything? “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.†Never more true. With Kelby out, T. Denny’s legal problems + his advanced years . . . I think all call into question any enduring legacy of the Sanford name once the Intermountain merger concludes, and gestates.
Someday I’ll be telling people that I was born at Intermountain, which sounds kind of descriptive, nasty, and dirty.
when will the denty be renamed the mount?
Perfect name for Kristi’s next COVID rodeo.
she has and always been a pain in the butt when MMM wanted shape places and walmart at south minn. the picture reminds me of the bar on e 8th, Shmoes take your place Kristine
When Smoe’s changed its name, we knew it was over with. Because how can any “Boom Town” continue without a bunch of smoes.