Madeline Shields asks a pretty basic question, “People are always intimidated about running for public office . . . what is it that you hope to learn more about?”
Jensen’s answer, “The legislature compared to the city council are two very, very different things.”
Well, they are not. But we will get to that in moment.
Ironically Jensen ran on his ‘legislative experience.’ He told voters that as many times as he could. Also, the city council is the ‘legislative body’ they are the ones that (should) be making the ordinances, creating the yearly budget, etc. That duty has been robbed by the Mayor’s office (starting with Munson) and has gotten progressively worse. In fact, by charter (which I’m sure Jensen has never read) the city council specific duties is legislating, while the mayor’s duties are running the city as the city manager. By not legislating on the city council, you are effectively derelict in your duties.
Somebody asked me once if the council is not legislating, what are they doing? Well besides approving some beer licenses, they show up every Tuesday to Rubberstamp the Mayor’s agenda and Mayor’s budget while raising taxes and fees on the rest of us and handing out goodies to the banksters, contractors and welfare queen developers in town. That’s not legislating, that’s rewarding the folks who fund your campaigns. Don’t believe me, it cost Jensen $117,000.000 to beat Stehly by less than a 100 votes. Do you think this money came from his pocket? I can almost guarantee you that 99.9999% of city voters have NEVER given a penny to a council or mayoral race. So where does this money come from? The people who show up every week to rob the cookie jar, and after Tuesday’s meeting, they will now be at the front of the line.
Jensen is right, the council isn’t a legislative body anymore and they should be brought up on ethics violations for not following their duties as prescribed by the charter. Folks, that may just happen. As John Lee Hooker said in a song once, “Pot’s on, gas on high, we are cooking.” The council isn’t going to like what’s for dinner when we are done.
Home Rule (aka Strong Mayor) Charter happened at the time of Munson. Huether (especially) used it to take away council authority. It’s been interpreted with the council as consulting but the mayor decides. Had voters realized it made city government oligarchy with the mayor as dictator, it would not have been voted for. Some say the charter must be amended. I believe it must be replaced for there to be a return to constitutional democracy.
I appreciate reading these posts. You oftentimes make references to, what I assume, are past posts. If you could link to the original post I could better understand your entire point. For example: welfare queen developers. Thank you.
No offense, but I’m not sure what rock you have been living under. For the almost 20 years I have been following city government I have seen the tax rebates for the big kids in town grow out of control. I think the city has probably rebated over $100 million in property taxes over the past decade while mine have almost doubled. Along with fees and other taxes. While they continue to squeeze the little guy for every drop of blood, the rebates for the big guys get larger and larger. It’s really not sustainable. We have an affordable housing issue in this town because we make it harder and harder for the working class to purchase an affordable home.
Hell, even the Supreme Soviet was a legislative body, but then again, it was a rubber stamp just like our local city council, too.
Alex has proven to be the Clarence Thomas of our local city council. 6 versus 2 sounds a lot like 6 versus 3. And is anyone on the council addicted to Coca-Cola? Hide the cans!