What do you get when a hospital lawyer, an ad agency exec, a banker, a developer, an angel fund investor and a guy who does business out of a UPS Store PO Box join forces? One heck of a political action committee. (PAC)

We all knew that there would be more money funneled into Jensen’s campaign chest after the last finance report before the election. He received an additional $13K coming from the Buffalo PAC. Curiously he didn’t spend it all, in fact he only spent about $3K on the campaign in it’s waning days (Full report). Curiously he spent around $8,500 on legal fees ($1,000 donated). I’m assuming that was for the recount. What I find ironic is that with all the money and power swirling around the SD GOP who helped get Alex elected that not one single lawyer took him on pro-bono for the recount. Stehly’s (a Republican) attorney, the Chair of the SD Democratic Party, Randy Seiler offered his services for free to Theresa. So basically the donors to the Buffalo PAC and ultimately Jensen funneled money to a Republican Law Firm (Redstone). I know, mind boggling.

Curiously the PAC is registered to a Sioux Falls residential address, a home owned by a SF hospital attorney (not the green one) and an ad agency executive (the big one in town). Both of them also have a connection (still trying to figure out) to a Sioux Falls city director that TenHaken appointed. Strangely they were only used as conduit because none of them donated to the PAC.

So who did? Well the usual suspects, with two of them pouring thousands of dollars towards Alex through various PACs, family members and individual donations. I’m surprised they didn’t find a way to get dead relatives to give since it is against the law now to use your toddler children.


Matthew Paulson – $5,000.00 (Jensen’s campaign treasurer and suspected manager)

Dana Dykhouse – $5,000.00

Crescent Venture Capital (Kevin Tupy ) – $2,000.00

Daniel Costello – $1,000.00

Yes, I know, not surprising since most of these characters already had been throwing money at Jensen’s campaign. I wonder if they knew he gave half of their donation to a law firm?

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Sioux Falls City CounTcilor Jensen’s final campaign finance report is revealing, but expected”
  1. And let’s also remind the audience that this is the same law firm which represented Nietzert with his ethical violation concerning partisanship; and the same law firm that has an attorney on board who authored the ‘Daschle Law’ back in 2003 to prevent Daschle from running for the US Senate and the presidency at the same time, while there was not an utterance from this same attorney when the state legislature some ten years later repealed that law so Thune could possibly run for both offices at the same time in 2016.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Yep, there aint any partisanship going on at the city council”…. “Absolutely not”…. “There’re all a bunch of fair minded REPUBLICANS”….”That’s right”…. 😉 )

  2. Theresa will always be my alternate council member. There obviously was voter fraud. Big press conference coming next week, too, at Cliff Avenue Greenhouse and Landscaping. Time to get your hair dyed.

  3. Scott..it looks like Mr. Jensen spent $130,000 for my seat. I’m grateful for the $17,000 I raised. The citizens will be expecting top notch responsiveness and accountability from this young man.
    Moving the public’s input time to the end of the meeting was a misstep. Not returning phone calls is also a concern.

  4. $5215.29 sitting in a bank account ready to be used for whatever the Dutch Mafia commands in return for investing $130,000. The best counTcilor money can buy?

  5. It’s baffling. Both candidates knew the race was close, we found out just how close. Jensen’s team said from the beginning they needed to raise a lot of money and spend a lot of money. So in the waning days of the campaign they raise $14,000 and only spend $2,000 on advertising and have $5,200 left in the account? Yes, ultimately he won, but why not spend most of the money? And why couldn’t he find a pro-bono attorney for the recount? I know for a fact many were asked and some offered. Strange.

  6. Another point, I have ran many successful campaigns for council for under $10K, I can’t even fathom what you could spend $130K on??????

  7. They hold the money in the PACS in order to build a “career” in politics. That is the only reason to build a PAC besides using the funds to lobby and sponsor political ballot legislation.

    If you did not expect a career in politics, you would only use personal bank accounts from savings to promote yourself.

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