A complete waste of the “search Function”

Guest Post, Bruce Danielson

Have you heard the expression “hiding in plain sight”?

The city of Sioux Falls has found a way to once again hide data while claiming transparency. The webpage https://amv.siouxfalls.org/publicaccess/docs/searchq/ is absolutely worthless.

The basics of open government is present data simple choice of options, in a usable form, with a functional sort order and a presentation of results best usable by requestor.

The City Clerk’s public access page is a failure of huge proportions. First off you have to know the names or phrases before you start or you will receive no results. In other words, you have to know the exact spelling of the report before you can ask the system if it exists. The secret PACs are not listed so anyone could easily review the activity or even if a filing was made.

BTW, do the secret PACs still have money? Notice in the date stamped 1/6/2020 Greg Neitzert filing how the Mayor TenHaken secret Next Generation Leadership PAC gave $250. Now try to find any information on the Next Generation Leadership PAC. Why is the Mayor of Sioux Falls hiding with Joel Dykstra behind a secret PAC to influence who is going to be on the City Council? Any good political operative would have stayed out of (at least publicly) the City Council races. Just think, if Neitzert is defeated, how close do you think the eventual winner is going to be willing to help the loser mayor?

Now back to the unfriendly City Clerk’s search system. There is no simple way to follow a series of events.  The results do not a have any dates on the results so you have to research everything presented to see how it fits. A long and frustrating process designed to stop real searches from happening or being attempted.

We have a “supposed” web expert in the big office of City Hall and it actually shows. It shows how to hide data at the same time claiming transparency.

As I predicted, The Sioux Falls Charter Revision Commission did very little in 2019

As I suspected from the get go, the CRC found a way to kill any meaningful legislation for the city’s April election. Oh but they did find a way to make it more difficult to petition our government;

The petitions shall contain or have attached thereto throughout their circulation the full text of the proposed charter amendment and must be signed by registered voters of the city in the number of at least 5 percent of the total number of registered voters at the last regular city election, or the number of signatures required by state law, whichever is greater.

In other words they are trying to get the voters to pass rules that they have already decided to implement on Triple Check the Charter. Yes, folks, they are applying rules that haven’t been amended yet. Isn’t that special? I also got a kick out of the attorney’s explanation on the ballot;

City Attorney’s Explanation of Amendment B:
The current language is, at times, less stringent in its requirements for charter amendment than what is required by the State Constitution. Such is not permissible under State law, which requires the standards of City charter and ordinances to be at least as stringent as State law. The proposed change, as approved and submitted by the Charter Revision Commission, would ensure that the requirements set forth in the charter for voter initiation of a charter amendment are at least as stringent as those set forth in the State Constitution, thus satisfying State law.

What they are basically saying is we MUST vote yes to satisfy State Law. My question is why aren’t we doing that already? And why are we voting on it? I’ll give you my explanation, you can vote NO on this, there is NO requirement we follow state law on this because we are a Home Rule Charter city, we make the rules when it comes to OUR elections. The SOS doesn’t run our local elections, and he shouldn’t. Don’t believe this poppycock, it is just a scare tactic to make it more difficult to petition our government in Sioux Falls and little else. They are trying to hoodwink the voters into passing this, because they know the requirement is not needed.

I vaguely remember the chair of CRC saying at the beginning of the 2019 meetings that it is the CRC’s job to make sure nothing harmful gets on the ballot that could have unintended consequences if passed. Kettle meet black.

UPDATE: Sioux Falls City Councilor Neitzert’s donation list; Quid Pro Quo?

Okay, I jest. I’m not comparing Greg to Donnie boy, but there are some strange similarities between who cut Greg checks and certain votes he has cast over the past 4 years.

You may not recognize some of these names, but if you look at the ones highlighted, they have all benefited from some of the stances and votes Neitzert has taken. Kirby Muilenberg especially stands out, with all his convoluted VL Casino ordinances.

At least with Alex Jensen, he hasn’t cast any votes yet on the council, but Neitzert’s donor list screams ‘follow the money.’

While I don’t support his candidacy this time around, because he turned his back on his promise of open and transparent government, I think Neitzert could easily be re-elected simply based on his incumbency, and he really didn’t need to raise this kind of money. Like Jensen, I think the establishment Republicans are using Greg as a strange experiment of trying to control non-partisan local governments in our state, and it makes me a little sick to my stomach.

TenHaken’s goofy PAC also gave $250 towards Neitzert’s campaign. I guess the Man-Children need to stick together.

Keep your eye on Greg though, his re-election may not be such a ‘sure thing’. There are also some powerful forces behind his opponent that are working hard behind the scenes, and I’m not talking about the small donation from Randy Seilor.

For the record, I am NOT involved with any city council races as of today. That may change, but I may be sitting this one out.

UPDATE: Ironically Greg posted this on FB two days ago. I guess he knows me well. He also knows I know him very well . . . Nothing like killing the messenger before I even show up to the forum 🙂

Hey Greg, it’s kind of hard to respond to an online attack that didn’t happen for another two days. And really, it’s not an attack, it’s the truth.

Minnehaha State’s Attorney race; battle of the city attorneys

Paul Bengford already announced. Now his co-worker, Daniel Haggar has announced;

Daniel currently serves as an Assistant City Attorney in Sioux Falls, managing the Human Relations Division and serving as the city’s ADA Coordinator.

I don’t know Daniel personally, but if the name sounds familiar, it should. Daniel is the Son and Brother of former legislators Don and Jenna Haggar. I’m not sure if Daniel shares the same political views of his father and sister, but if he does we should be very worried about him as a State’s Attorney.

Daniel Haggar replaced Colleen Moran who was mysteriously ‘dismissed’ from the city attorney’s office. Nobody knows if she resigned or was terminated by TenHaken, but we have our guesses.

Hopefully someone else will get into this race, because as of right now, it looks dire. The Minnehaha County Commission is set to appoint a permanent replacement of Aaron McGowan soon. There have been several applicants including Paul Bengford and interim State’s Attorney Crystal Johnson.

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, Jan 7, 2020

Informational Meeting, 4 PM

Presentations on the following (no PDF doc links to content);

• Water Reclamation Facility Improvements and Expansion Project Update

• Partner Organization Agreements (Sioux Falls Development Foundation, USD Discovery District, Downtown Sioux Falls, Southeast Technical Institute)

• Metro Communications 911 Center – Public Safety Training Center Partnership Discussion

Regular Meeting, 7 PM

Item #6, Approval of Contracts.

• (Sub item #2) It sure didn’t take long, Pavilion takes over the Orpheum and they are quick to spend our money on maintenance. $90K on the boilers.

• (Sub item #8) It seems taxpayers are on the hook for legal counsel on the TIF for Sioux Steel, for $6K. Shouldn’t this be paid for by the recipient of the TIF?

• (Sub item #17) The Convention center is getting over $400K in boiler replacement.

Item #42, Golden Gateway issue is back on the agenda for a 1st Reading.

Item #43, REPEALING THE ORPHEUM THEATER ADVISORY BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Now that the Pavilion has taken over the Orpheum, they will no longer have a citizen advisory board. This is unfortunate.

Item #51, Audit Report, Landfill Licensing. This will be an interesting topic of conversation.