Well, it seems the Department of Innovation and Cool Edgy Words is up to it again;

So how do you survey people who have little to no personal access to online services, online? It’s a mystery to me.

I also am curious about the financial incentive;

Participants who complete the survey will have a chance to be entered in a drawing to win a $250 Visa gift card.

Can the city even ethically or legally do this? I know a few years back that there was talk about some kind of incentive for filling out the city survey, like a FREE dump pass, but I think it was poo-poo’d by the legal and the survey consultant.

While I support such a survey, the best way to implement the survey would be on a piece of paper and given to kids in the school district in elementary and middle-school. No names, anonymously and no data mining.

And this is what this is really about, finding out who the partners of IDEA can blood suck for new business or what the mayor can do with the data for a future political run.

There is so much innovation at City Hall, they can hardly contain it.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “City of Sioux Falls launches online survey about barriers to online access”
  1. Making information (or surveys) available only online is a form of discrimination against those without access. The poor, the remote, the elderly, the less mobile… it can cover the spectrum of protected classes. The media uses it liberally to avoid giving full information on the most used means of communication by such classes… newspapers, television, and radio. And during the Covid crisis, it is used by cities and counties to avoid public scrutiny because citizens and voters are reluctant to attend meetings and submit themselves to the high risk of being in rooms with unmasked people. If a voter can’t attend a meeting or use Facebook or You Tube, they are easily disenfranchised.

  2. I have noticed since Covid started that the city and school district has been using it as an excuse for not being transparent.

  3. Zoom is a great unintended evil. We all know where the township hall is, but where’s Zoom without a computer?
    What was once ‘Brady Bunch’ fun has turned into a “democracy” with no boxes for Alice or Sam. The working stiff taxpayers, that is.

  4. Second thought, if Progressive Insurance is right that many can’t handle a PDF, then how are many to successfully navigate through a Zoom democracy?

    Also, Jeffrey Toobin took Zoom to an extreme. Even Pee- wee was offended. It can’t be topped. But, oh well, here’s a video for the whole family:


  5. Online access, bull sh*t. This town’s management has been looking for more ways to hide what they are doing. our current city manager has hired personnel without any real searches, just as if they are hiding more. The people they are hiring won’t come to testify before the City Council about what they are doing.

    As someone who has collected 5500 local government videos and reposted all for history if have found the city manager has hired an innovation directory to block our on-line access. The city manager, king of all technical innovation [according to him] now is blocking anyone from seeing their faking cute videos who is not a member of their Facebook clubs.

    Transparency is not only for the Dutch Mafia or their Pentecostal groups or play dates or whatever political allies they can come up with. The current city manager apparently thinks authoritarian messaging is the way to go to be innovative.

    It is real simple to be innovative if you really want to be. Quit propaganda messaging and open up the process and the data. Have real pressers, heck try shut up and listen sessions like the last most transparent guy to be city manager did. At least he showed up, he might have had a vengeful temper but he did show up.

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