South DaCola

Noem’s Trump Support Backlash just beginning

While I think there are more smarts between two drunk squirrels then what’s swirling around in the mostly empty cavity between Kristi’s ears I think she knew if Trump wasn’t elected for a 2nd term (he really wasn’t elected for a 1st term) that things would get pretty dark for her and South Dakota.

Within 60 days of Biden’s term he has already done this;

• Blocked Keystone pipeline (I believe this is permanent.)

• Give millions more to blue states in the newest relief bill (This really is just about math. More people live in these states and and they pay a lot more in Federal taxes. In fact South Dakota has been a federal tax welfare state for decades all under Republican rule.)

• Fireworks cancelled at Mt. Rushmore (this should have never happened to begin with in 2020, it was obviously a Trump campaign rally that endangered public and sacred lands. I knew once Deb Haaland became Interior Secretary, a Native American herself, she would put an end to it.)

I believe this is just the tip of the iceberg and I think if the Democrats put up a strong candidate to run against her you will see money pouring into the state from blue supporters.

The backlash has just begun and I think the Federal funding issues and cancellations are just the beginning of the Biden administration making it very miserable for Noem and frankly the rest of us. I actually think there will be Federal investigations into how the state has conducted business.

Thanks Kristi for dragging the rest of us along for the ride because of your sick obsession with the Orange Menace.

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