While the minutes of the meeting were are up, the video was non-existent until 5 PM today. In fact, the part of the meeting where they discussed and voted on the disastrous TIF-23 didn’t even live stream that night, and neither did the mask discussion and vote. So while our city council votes to approve one of the worst boondoggles in the history of city, which will increase taxes on homeowners, increase crime and create an enormous housing shortage there was NO live video. We had to wait two days to watch the replay which mysteriously works now and was recorded but couldn’t livestream. Hmmmm.

There is a part of me that is getting a little suspicious how these meetings are crashing and disappearing when controversial items come up. If they were not so inept you would think they are doing this on purpose. I have suggested for several years now that the city needs to livestream the meetings on YouTube at no cost to tax payers.

The sad part is that the citizens and even the city councilors are powerless legally to force the city and the administration to fix the online agenda software. While they have thrown millions at it, it continues to get worse and worse.

I find it ironic that an administration that talks about being so technologically advanced can’t get the online streaming to work.

Like I said, I mostly blame it on blatant ignorance and laziness, but some are starting to wonder why these breakdowns only coincide with major agenda items?

Welcome to cruise control government and the continued HATEFEST on open government and transparency.

3 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Council March 2nd meeting video disappears for a few days

  1. D@ily Spin on March 5, 2021 at 1:09 pm said:

    Should city council video be compared with news in North Korea?

  2. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on March 5, 2021 at 4:55 pm said:

    ThuneHaken once gave Trump a “B+”. He should have said “A”. Not that I would agree, but now we have learned that Kim Jong-un was offered a ride on Air Force One, has ThuneHaken ever been?

  3. D@ily Spin on March 6, 2021 at 1:18 pm said:

    TIF-23 reminds me of when there was a public vote of ‘Do you want the new events center at Convention center or downtown’. City interpretation was ‘We want an Events Center at the Convention Center. There was also when the Aquatics Center happened without a vote.

    Basically, the city is owned by a few wealthy individuals who will do what they want. Public opinion doesn’t matter. We’re not represented. Instead, it’s a Cartel aside from democratic principles.

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