I had to chuckle about how councilor Starr successfully fought the mayor tonight about extending public input about the mask mandate, then when Pat spoke later after public input the crowd that he fought for to speak heckled him. Wow.

I often have to remind my friends, my enemies, local elected officials, relatives and others that the 1st Amendment is number one for a reason, freedom of speech is the only thing you should be concerned about. Everything else is moot.

BTW, the mask mandate failed because it was a tie and Mayor TenHaken voted it down, because he lacks leadership. Shocker.

Also, councilor Selberg made fun of Starr for taking on the mayor calling it the ‘Pat Starr Show’.

While Selberg may have invented the ‘Siouxper Hero’ award, he certainly earned the ‘Siouxper jerk Councilor’ award tonight.

6 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Councilor ‘Pat Starr Show’ wins the day

  1. Very Stable Genius on March 9, 2021 at 10:19 pm said:

    Just saw the KELO piece on this, Neitzert and ThuneHaken’s body languages are very telling. They both looked like they were trying to ironically hide in their masks.

    Democrats want to stimulate the covid economy with cash, while Republicans want to stimulate it with more deaths apparently.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Say, I am thinking of writing a modern day version of ‘Profiles in Courage’, does anyone know of a modern day mayor worthy of such a biography?”…. )

  2. Timo Soren on March 9, 2021 at 11:18 pm said:

    Let’s just review, Starr accusing the public speakers of accosting their fellow citizens and causing people to leave, it was a bald-faced lie, that invoked hostility, at which point people got concerned over his audience baiting. So this was a good thing? Your assessment in this case is infantile. It does not matter an iota if his actions helped brings this disscusion forward, it doesn’t excuse his hostility towards the public.

    In the end, they have, the yes voters, have done the right thing.

  3. Watching from the Deep South on March 10, 2021 at 9:21 am said:

    I thoroughly enjoyed PTH’s attempt at hammering the gavel through the desk while he gave PS the death stare.

    MS still seems to have a chip on his shoulder from being picked on during grade school recess

  4. D@ily Spin on March 10, 2021 at 12:06 pm said:

    Sioux Falls council meetings are a dog and pony show. We walk past end of the world pronouncements realizing council meetings are sad street lunacy. We wear masks because we’d otherwise be socially outcast. When the city affords itself circuit court appeal, we’ll pay attention. Meanwhile, the guy twisting spinning the sign on the street corner is more interesting and productive.

  5. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on March 10, 2021 at 2:14 pm said:

    I wonder what it is like to allow people to die so you can have a political future?

  6. Mike Lee Zitterich on March 11, 2021 at 12:13 am said:

    I really do not understand all the hate torwards Greg Neitzert and Paul Tenhaken on here…I mean, seriously, what have they do that as so bad?

    Paul Tenhaken has never truly came out and said he supported a Mask Mandate, he has been consistently pushing for the PEOPLE to be ENCOURAGED to wear masks to respect their fellow citizens;

    And Greg Neitzert has been steadily a great representative of my district – I know where he stands, I know what he believes, he tells you how he will vote, whether or not we agree or disagree, he takes the time to research things thru and thru before making his final decision. And, I really DO NOT think he intended to do any wrong by going to that little political meeting a few months ago.

    I mean, if these two are bad represenatives of the people, I think I have seen far worse representatives than these two.

    Come on – lets agree to disagree, both Mayor Paul and Greg are both good stewards of this community. They both listen to the people, and they both adapt as time goes on.

    Calm Down, Relax, and Have Fun …

    Mike Zitterich

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