Notice who has the highest averages and who has the lowest? No wonder the city struggles with hiring seasonal workers.

This information was supplied and compiled by Mike Zitterich

2 Thoughts on “Budgeted Compensation for different City of Sioux Falls departments

  1. D@ily Spin on April 18, 2021 at 4:48 pm said:

    Why 15 in the city attorney office? For Munson it was 3 and once in awhile they won a case.

  2. Mike Lee Zitterich on April 18, 2021 at 11:31 pm said:

    **Keep in mind those figures also include: Benefits and Payroll Liabilities.

    – Health Insurance which the city pays 75% of the premiums;

    – City Pension which the city pays I believe up to 3% of the wages (could be wrong);

    – Retirement (Deferred Compensation);

    – Workman Comp Insurance, Payroll Taxes (employer match), Unemployment Tax…

    All those dollars are figured into the above figures.

    As for the 11 Attorney positions, the city has places “attorney” positions across several departments to work more closely with particular departments.

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