Trust me, I am not going to rail on Mr. Pizer for breaking the rules. In every local election I see the same ignorant mistakes. In this case, not only has Anthony placed his sign on restricted property, he ironically placed it out of the district. And you want to be my latex salesman!

I believe this was either in the Harrisburg or Tea school district

There are some simple rules here;

• Never place signs on public property or in the parking strip commonly known as the boulevard.

• Place your signs in the ACTUAL district you are running in.

• Always check local ordinances on what you can and cannot do.

To tell you the truth, I could give to sh!ts about who is going to replace another rubberstamper on the school board. I just know my property taxes continue to grow and grow and grow, and nobody on that board cares.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Improper Political Sign Placement”
  1. I’ve never been one to be impressed with the Mayor or the school board. I’ve learned a few things since we received our latest tax assessment about the Sioux Falls school district and school board, since we were annexed last year. I looked into why my property tax dollars are going to the Lennox school system. Our house is about a mile to the west of both Roosevelt and Memorial. I wonder how many people in Sioux Falls realize how many properties on the west side of the city send their tax dollars to Lennox. It numbers in the dozens. Wouldn’t it be better to use that revenue within our own district? I would like to see these candidates address this lost revenue.

  2. Steve,
    The Lennox School District is your ‘own school district’ (and has been, even prior to annexation into the City of Sioux Falls).
    Despite that which a real estate agent may have told you, the plot of land upon which you live has always been attached to the Lennox School District.

  3. School Districts are totally separate from the ‘jurisdictional boundaries’ of the city. Just cause the CITY annexes property, does not mean the School District Boundaries are effected by the change, if that was true, then the Sioux Falls School District would change upon the city boundaries changing.

    The City of Sioux Falls covers a total square area of 76 square miles, which encompasses roughly 4 Separate School Districts:

    – Sioux Falls School District
    – Brandon School District
    – Harrisburg School District
    – Lennox School District
    – Tri Valley
    – Del Rapids
    – Canton
    – Garretson

    School Districts are separate government entities that raise their own “revenues” stemming from property tax dollars, duties paid by users, bond holders, and donations.

    As the ‘land’ is annexed into the City – where the city now has a direct ability to re-zone the land from Agriculture to Residential, to Commercial, or a mixed use, the “land values” change with the new assessment.

    “Property Tax” is assessed to the LAND VALUE, land gains value as you place homes, commercial property, change its use.

    The ‘residents’ living in the northwest area between Sioux Falls and Hartford will fight the annexation of land as Sioux Falls grows in that direction, and we are seeing this battle taking shape thru out the discussion such as the Sioux Falls Development Foundation’s attempt to build in that area, which happens to be land encompassing the “Tri Valley School District”.

    Each form of “government entity” whether it is the State legislative district, the City legislative district, or the School legislative district has a boundaries, sometimes those boundaries over lap each governmental layer…

  4. “… sometimes those boundaries over lap each governmental layer…”

    Wow! You’re either describing a tasty Big Mac, or that’s a line from a Barry White hit.

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