South DaCola

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, May 25-26, 2021

NOTE: The City Council has a very busy agenda over 2 days. They will be discussing some very important issues.

City Council Working Session • 2 PM • Tuesday May 25

Council will be discussing Medical Cannabis (I really wish this working session was on a day with not a full agenda and after 5 PM so people could attend and speak out, but they are not real keen on transparency 🙂

Informational Meeting • 4 PM • Tuesday May 25

City April financials

Minnehaha County/City Council joint meeting • 5 PM • Tuesday May 25

Private airport conditional use permit (I am still on the fence about this, but also believe that we seem to have so much wealth in Sioux Falls, the upper crust needs to build themselves their own private airport. I flew commercial last week, it wasn’t so bad).

Lincoln County/City Council joint meeting • 7 PM • Tuesday May 25

Zoning issues, two items

City Council Working Session • 10:30 AM • Wednesday May 26

Discussing appropriations for Covid Supplements (another prime example of a meeting that should be after 5 PM. Wouldn’t regular folks like to weigh in on this, kind of hard on a Wednesday morning when they are all at work. You do realize, this shows just how little they care about our opinion).

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