A few days ago someone asked me why we don’t hear much from Mike Grigby who replaced Liquor Cart Boy. I couldn’t really answer the question, except only saying I saw him buying some plant food at the Downtown Ace Hardware a few weeks ago, other than that, not a peep.

There have been some rumors swirling around city hall that Mike and Paul seem to be having an unusually high number of closed door meetings and it is a grand mystery what they are cooking up. I guess if they were working on some top secret program we would have heard something by now.

Some of my other moles tell me that Mike seems to be ‘cutting deals’. I’m not even sure what that means? Better cyber security for the city? Getting the videos to work for the council meetings? We could be so lucky.

Like I said, not sure what he has been up to, but several city minions seem to have some concerns.

It is like I said last night to a friend, â€˜Good leaders do their best work transparently and in the open. Scammers, schemers and crooks do it in the dark.’

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “What has the Innovation & Tech Director for the City of Sioux Falls been doing?”
  1. Perhaps behind closed doors are the reviews of the glowing results from SAM On Demand.
    Now finally beyond prototype app status and 5 months post-launch, City Council (and taxpayers) should be expecting a 6 month update in July.

  2. I forgot about SAM On Demand. I still say, if they would team up with DoorDash, that it might work. And once Chick-fil-A “finally” shows-up, the Demand could be great. But until then, I will always equate SAM with a missile system which goes down in flames. #PlayItAgainSam

  3. Just another director type knocking down a huge salary while working from home on his private investments. We expect leadership but fund undeserved stipends until the next mayor terminates these and brings in his brown nose cheerleader possy.

  4. Those who had forgotten about SAM On Demand.
    Outnumbered only by those who never knew about SAM On Demand.

  5. Hopefully they will be making the city’s Web site accessible from outside the US.

  6. Have the Kirbys, already partially domiciled on the west coast, taken residence outside of the USA such that they would need to access the City’s website from foreign soil?

  7. Looks like they are doing well installing massive ugly 5g towers all over the place. Noticing more towers going up that are looking to have 5g antennas added. The smaller water tower on 85th between Louise and Western is now surrounded with 5g antennas and no longer can see the writing they had painted on it.

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