It seems Levitt has turned up the music, just a little bit. During the Mae Simpson concert last Saturday the decibel reading was 83, which is comparable to a lawnmower, motorcycle or truck. An outdoor rock concert is usually at 100 decibels. I’m sure the city is being very strict about the decibel level, but c’mon, can we at least get it up to 90? How about a compromise? Fun Haters.

The Radical Right Authoritarian Blog was at it again, attacking private citizens who are no longer elected officials. Plump and dumb posted former city councilor Stehly’s property tax bill as delinquent (late payment). Funny part is when I checked in the afternoon, she was up to snuff on her taxes. I’m sure this was a leak job by the new Right-Winger in the Treasurer’s office or one of her boot-lickers (this is public information). So why would Fried Fat Pitty want to bother with a private citizens taxes? Because they know that Theresa is the leading candidate for the At-Large position in 2022 that Erickson will be termed out from. I believe also that if Stehly runs, she will easily be back on the council, and they are scared shItless. Remember the rich and connected in Sioux Falls had to spend $125K to only beat Stehly by 99 votes. If she runs again, she will seal the deal. They might have to spend $300K this time around to beat her though. Better get out fundraising.

Our Town, but not for hard questions apparently. I attended the screening of Our Town the other night at the State. It was the first time I saw a movie there. The digital screen is wonderful, but the reclining leather seats, while comfortable (for a nap) not the most ideal seat (to stick to) while watching a movie. I think they  should have went with a more comfortable upholstered seat that is more upright (and they probably could have gotten more seats in there also) either way, this is what happens when you have rich donors tell you what to do. You can’t buy taste or common sense apparently. Either or, the movie was okay, even though there was very little about Sioux Falls since they mostly focused on immigrants who work at Smithfields and the tribe in Flandreau, which was great, because during the Q & A, it gave the film makers an opportunity to school Ten Haken about embracing diversity in the community. Either way, I was looking forward to asking a question about growth for growths sake that came up in the Bend, OR portion of the movie, but the mayor was calling out the questioners and the microphone hander outer was on the opposite side of the theatre, so I knew where this was going. Towards the end when they finally got to our side, a gentleman in front of me, who I believe worked for Billie Sutton’s governor’s campaign was set to ask the last question but before he could, the Mayor reminded us all it was the last question, and it would not be letting this guy ask it because someone else had been ‘winking’ at him longer. Paul can’t even resist censoring people at a Q & A session. He obviously hates transparency more than I thought, and Dems even more.

Who is the SD Supreme Court leaker? Many found it interesting that a State Legislator seemed to know when the SD Supreme Court was going to release a verdict. This is usually not the case unless a staffer has leaked that information. The SDSC did the right thing by rebuking the legislator. Some have also been wondering why it is taking so long. The gossip out of Pierre is that the court already wrote their opinion but are waiting for a review from another person (judge or lawyer) who is familiar with State legalization to make sure the language is proper. I guess the high court does this on occasion. At this point, I have NO idea how they will rule. But I hope they will rule in favor of the intent of the voters, but may still give the power of regulation and taxation to the State Legislature in which the SDSC would have to probably put a 1 year moratorium on the Amendment to work out those details. We will see.

An Englishman, an Italian and a Dutchman walked into a bar . . . This seems to be the opening line to the deal Raven inked with their new owners, Case – New Holland. Am I the only one a bit suspicious of a company headquartered in London, with Italian owners and incorporated in the Netherlands? It’s no secret why they bought Raven, but do you think they will keep the Raven location in Sioux Falls? I have no idea, but usually these international companies find a way to trim the fat, so to speak. I wouldn’t expect them to close the doors immediately, but I would expect some layoffs. This of course would be nothing new to a lot of Raven employees. Raven has had a habit of laying off people when sales are down and trying to get them back when things are good. We all might be pleasantly surprised, maybe CNH will expand the Sioux Falls location, hire more workers, pay better wages and unionize them . . . LOL. They do have unions at some of their other American plants.

By l3wis

22 thoughts on “Pot, Taxes, Conflicts, Tractors and other Tidbits”
  1. There’s no residential near the Levitt. Turn up the volume.

    Politics means money here except for Stehly. With strong mayor charter I doubt one honest councilor will matter.

    It’s no secret Raven balloons can reach into orbit. Retro rockets could then be used to place satellites. NASA has lobbied and succeeded to prevent this 10X cheaper option. A foreign concern couldn’t be stopped. No doubt Raven will move to Europe. Who’s gonna make Macy’s balloons? More space junk?

  2. Wasn’t Raven initially established to make nylon parachutes to defeat the fascists in the Big War? Now look who is controlling them. I’ll never look at a Fiat the same again. I wonder if they know we stole away Italians during WWII at Edgemont, too? It could make them mad. Don’t forget, the fascist Japanese bombed western South Dakota with a fire balloon back in the day. #RavenMakesBalloons

  3. So, ThuneHaken doesn’t run again, but Huether and Stehly get back in? Who said there was a shortage of fireworks?

    Why does our Supreme Court need a mentor? How can there be a rule of law, if the Supremes have a boss? Could this Supreme leak be good for put orders on video lottery stocks, too? #JustSayin #BananaRepublic

  4. It’s important to see Europe as one country. For instance, going from Germany to Czechia (Czechoslovakia) “…. is like going into Wisconsin”… Just ask Bill Murray. Palin was the first to see this. She thought the Queen of England ran Europe. Hopefully, the new owners will put Ferrari engines into the Raven balloons as well. Italians are known for their ruins, fast cars, and style. The new balloons will most likely denote this in reverse order. And will the ghost of Carroll Shelby put up with all of this? Ford bought New Holland, then Fiat bought Ford New Holland. I myself would give anything for a Shelby tractor pull contest…. Turner County Fair?…..:

  5. “What about food?”…. “The Italians are known for their food, too”…. “I always thought that a picnic basket looked like a basket attached to a big balloon with the checker picnic tablecloth as the uninflated balloon itself”…. (“Oh boy, how I do love this new legalization”….. #YesIndeed #Balloons&Munchies )

  6. F and L – FYI – Japan was not a fascist state – it was a monarchy, an imperialist state.

  7. IF the Supreme Court rules and forms an opinion of Amendment A as you suggest, it would rule to strike down the Amendment, then issue or order the legislature to promulgate rules of engagement to put together a “State Convention” allowing the People of each District to appoint/put in place delegates to debate such issue.

    The Supreme Court does not make nor change laws or amendments, they simply formulate opinions, let alone rule them valid or invalid.

    IF they wish to put the power back into the hands of the Legislature, then they must rule in fact, the Amendment created a “revision” of the constitution, let alone changed how the governing process works.

    If this is the case, they are seeking an outside opinion on the fact whether or not their ruling is the correct one.

    I have said from day one, the Amendment is to broad, to expansive, and takes power from the legislature, while giving to much power to the Departments of Revenue and Health.

  8. I prefer direct democracy especially when it comes to MJ. Our state legislature is one of the most worthless governing bodies I have ever seen in my life.

  9. Many years ago, the famed emeritus professor from the U., Dr. Bill Farber, personally told me that the US Constitution was a legal document, while state constitutions have become books.

    Now, about this:

    “I have said from day one, the Amendment is to broad, to expansive, and takes power from the legislature, while giving to much power to the Departments of Revenue and Health.”

    But amendments can do this whether you like it or not. It’s a potential initiative, and not a constitutional amendment, which could be struct down for violating the balance of power and checks and balances doctrines of a given constitution, but not an amendment. Constitutions are often filled with conflicting rights and powers.

    Oh, and the Supreme Court cannot “order” the legislature to do anything. They are equal branches of government.

    And then, there is this:

    “If this is the case, they are seeking an outside opinion on the fact whether or not their ruling is the correct one.”

    But this doesn’t bother you? Where is this protocol found in the state constitution for this? It’s okay to do this, but not okay for a constitutional amendment to transfer power from one branch to another?

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Ya, they better check with Putin before they do anything”…. (“Man, I still can’t believe that Fiat and Ferrari are owned by the same parent company”…. “Talk about wimps with a facade”….))

  10. Roswell was nothing but a weather balloon. (Raven is filled with aliens?) “It” will all be eventually exposed – like the bamboo ballots – but for now, we’ll all have to call them “Italiens”. Mike Lindell, are you listening?

  11. Scott, I think you confuse the legislature vs State Convention.

    A “Convention” takes place on a neutral site outside the legislature itself. All the legislature does is promulgate rules concerning “time, place, manner” whereas the People of each of the 70 House Districts must then nominate/appoint 1 delegate to represent them at the Convention.

    A Convention should have been used to draft, discuss, debate, make changes, and finally vote as a delegation in the first place.

    “WE” may disagree on the facts of the matter whether the “legislature” is worthless governing body, I find that they haved in my interests 7 out of 10 times. You may disagree, but you may be part of the minority, I do not know for sure.

    Amendment A was passed with only 54% to 46% vote. And I contend that a large majority of the “YES” votes came from the 10 most populated districts, while the large majority, a great majority came from the 60 less populated districts. In fact, I am correct, when I looked into the foresnics of such vote – outside the 10 most populated districts, the NO VOTES voted against Amendment A.

    IF you believe in a ‘true’ constitutional republic, and you beleive that Amendment A represents all districts, I ask you…

    What are you scared of if this “Amendment” was pushed into a Convention to be further debated?

  12. Mike, you are the one that suggested that the Legislature has the power form this kind of legislation. I disagree. I also hope you realize we don’t pass Initiatives and Amendments in this state with an elector from each county, we do it by popular vote. Twist it however you want to, 54% of voters passed rec, period, that is how it works. It reminded me of when we tried to vote out VL and the major cities all voted to get rid of it, but the small cities and towns voted to keep it, because they don’t have to deal with the crime associated with it. I think those opposed to REC MJ know it is inevitable and they already have the Muni League lobbying to have cities and counties run the dispensaries, because they want to reap all the profits. Whatever happened to all this liberty and freedom they keep telling we have here? If they truly believed in it, they would let private business profit and prosper from this industry creating good paying jobs instead hoarding it all for themselves.

  13. F and L – Your source errs in conflating a military coup (same old same old war lord stuff to medieval Japan) with actual Fascism. Actual fascism id the control of the government by money – business/industrial/financial types – per the definition offered up by Mussolini – not a military rule.

  14. A military coup is the final result of fascism. Fascism, like all politics, is often the art of opportunism. The road does not matter if Mussolini still ends up with medals on his lapel like his Japanese contemporary.

    Fascism unlike socialism or communism has a capitalistic spirit, but unlike capitalism, it does not have a democratic spirit, however. This capitalistic spirit was prevalent in both Japan and Italy, Germany too, before the rise of the Axis Powers, and thus, the institutions used to achieve those fascist results are academic at best. Classic capitalism versus warlord capitalism does not matter. It is all capitalism that can be used for a fascist goal.

    Was it the electoral college or the business community who put Trump into power? I believe the former, which is a part of a democratic institution or republic, and had he remained in power any complicit nature from the business community to maintain his power would have been the reality of opportunism and resignation, and not a part of any initial grand design.

  15. MJ was voted in. It’s the duty of legislators and the governor to timely allow and set forth implementation. Politically, obstructing a new agricultural and retail opportunity is against democratic principles and makes you unpopular with voters.

  16. Scott,

    I apologize I have been busy the past few days, yes, I agree, we pass measures and amendments by popular vote. What I was getting at was that for specific “amendments” that attempt to revise the constitution, or change the governing process, it does require a “State Convention” where the legislature then is tasked to promulgate ‘rules’ setting up the Time, Place, and Manner, and then the People have to nominate and appoint “delegates” to represent them per each “District” equal to 70 (House of Representation).

    I firmly believe if this process was utilized to pass/enact Amendment A – there would be no issue here. I only elated to the thought process of ENSURING that all the people combined – Land Owners, Property Holders, Business Owners, Residents play a role in shaping, crafting, and writing the proposed amendment, debating that legislation, changing the legislation, let alone voting on that final product.

    This would have proven, that the “Vast Majority” of the State (The People) strongly support it.

    This is not what happened – while the popular vote was a mere 54% to 46%; when you look deep at the numbers, on a District by District basis, more “Districts” voted NO on Amendment A than for, and it was not even close. It was something like 66% of the Districts overwhelmingly voted “against” Amendmen A.

    This shows clearly, that the vast majority of “YES VOTES” came from 10 of the largest populated districts where the greater share of the population resides at:

    Sioux Falls, Rapid City, Pierre, Aberdeen, Yankton, Flandreau, Chamberlain, Watertown, Brookings, Huron.

    In order for 66% of the Disricts to VOTE NO on the Amendment, you would have to agree, that a large majority of the people in those districts voted “NO” on the Amendment, therefore, showing prime evidence of fact, that the over all “population” is very much against the Amendment.

    What is ironic, when I look deeper into I.M 26 – I see the reverse statistic, while the Popular Vote was 70% in support of I.M 26, when you look at all 70 House Districts, nearly 70% of the Districts voted YES in favor of the “measure”.

    Breakdown even further than that, when you look at the NUMBER OF PRECINCTS, nearly 80% of the Precincts overwhelmingly voted AGAINST the Amendment, while nearly 76% of those same precincts voted in support of MEASURE 26.

    My take on this is this – the vast majority of our state do NOT want Marijuana legalized whole, however, that same majority feel ‘we’ can legalize it strictly for “MEDICAL USE”, of which ‘we’ as a government can control that use, and govern that use.

    IF we are a cosntitutional republic, the constitution must be adhered to, and if we are going to ‘change our constitution, a document that effects all 885,000 people, that document must be strickly followed.

    How will the supreme court rule in Amendment A, I am guessing they are going to strike it down, then by opinion, instruct the Legislature to put forth rules host a Convention. Or, by opinion, instruct the PETITIONERS to re-write it and place it back on the ballot in 2022.

    Mike Zitterich

  17. S and L – So I take it you don’t believe that our “elected officials” are owned by corporate lobbies, therefore we are not a fascist state. Or is it because there is not a military officer – or former one (Eisenhower?) at the head of the government?

  18. “We are not a fascist state”, because enough of us are still a part of a vibrant but declining middle class, and there is also a rising upper middle income group as well.

    Corporate lobbying is when the business community dictates government. Fascism, in a classical sense, is when government dictates business. Having FDR tell Ford to make tanks and not cars was classic fascism, but because FDR was fighting fascism, he wasn’t a fascist. One who legally defends themself is not a killer either.

    Ike was legally elected, but then so was Hitler initially. Many presidents have worn an uniform, however.

    There are many avenues to fascism. The co-opting of the business community by the government, or an already militarized society are two examples.

    Ike and the Republicans lost control of congress in 1954, that doesn’t sound too fascist to me.

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