South DaCola

Sioux Falls City Council has special meeting Thursday morning to bail out the city’s licensing agent . . . again

UPDATE: Apparently it was the fault of the applicant. Once I get more information I will post.

City of Sioux Falls Licensing Specialist Jamie Palmer (who mysteriously left the council as an assistant clerk to be promoted after Debra Owen’s termination) has been warned about this several times over the years;

The following alcoholic beverage item is requested for consideration on July 1, 2021.
The application was not received in time for consideration at a regularly-scheduled City
Council Meeting. The item meets the criteria set forth by State Law in which no notice is
required to be published and no hearing needs to be scheduled.

I even remember Erpenbach ripping her a new one about getting her ducks in row so they don’t have to approve these licenses last minute, or after the fact (this really happened). I wonder how many times the city council and mayor’s office are going to tolerate this incompetence before showing her the door? Oh that’s right, if you are a city director, your screwups are unlimited, unless of course your name is Chellee, Jason, Matt, Brad, Mike, TJ or the poor sap who flips people off while filling potholes.

I’m sure the likely excuse will be the city council hasn’t met for 3 weeks in a row for an official meeting, but the Levitt agenda has been out for well over a couple of months, Jamie knew this was coming.

Oh, and why hasn’t the council met in 3 weeks? Good question.

I’m sure we will see the same pointy fingers at Jamie asking her how she continually f’cks this stuff up and little else done about it.

Another symptom of cruise control government.

I still have to snicker a bit they are approving a liquor license, at a special meeting, at 10:30 in the morning on a Thursday. Well it’s NOON somewhere!

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