I didn’t have any doubt that the Harrisburg School Bond would pass, and I figured it would be a poor voter turnout, but this is ridiculous,

So we let 809 people who practiced their voting rights to decide on a $60 Million dollar bond. Folks, we can get mad at elected officials all we want, but when we don’t show up and vote on these measures, our taxes go up.
Things like this are extremely sad. But I was glad to see five candidates for the recent Sioux Falls School Board election, however.
In fact, all three that lost that election still ran strong with anyone of them having possibly been able to have won it, which will hopefully encourage more candidates in the future, too.
The date of the bond election, scheduled on the Tuesday immediately following the 3 day Memorial Day weekend, was not likely favorable to voter turnout.
Because of the pace of development and the increase in valuation of the real estate property base in the district, there is no tax increase associated with this project.
Although there is controversy which could have been whipped from this proposal, at this time, it is not a controversial subject to build more schools in the Harrisburg district.