Update: the meeting was cancelled because it was not properly posted.

I was forwarded the agenda by an official, but when you go to the city website, the agenda is NOT posted.

As of 3:40 PM, July 25, 2021

I’m not sure if they legally can have the meeting since the agenda is NOT posted on the city website (24 hours in advance). I’m sure they will argue like they did in the past that the agenda is available upon request, but I still think it should be on the city website. We will see if the meeting happens.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Update: Public Transit Advisory Board meets in person on Monday”
  1. Knowing city hall, they’re sneaking something in without public advisory. Legal notice? No such thing for this city.

  2. More ways to join the meeting:
    Join from the meeting link

    Join by meeting number
    Meeting number (access code): 1460 58 9635
    Meeting password: sxgnuuyp598
    Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)
    +1-408-418-9388,,1460589635## United States toll
    Join by phone
    +1-408-418-9388 United States toll
    Global call-in numbers
    Join from a video system or application
    Dial 1460589635@siouxfalls.webex.com
    You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

  3. Is there an On-Demand Transit Authority Board? If not, can I demand one? AND can the city take me to my Uncle Louie’s once a week just for fun? I know people have called 911 before when in need of milk. I should check my Bud Light supply.

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