By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Relax, Enjoy Life, Have Fun”
  1. When you die, you are first ushered into a grand auditorium with all of the other new dead people, where you sit back and watch a “live” performance by Rodney Dangerfield and Don Rickles, and then at the end of that performance, you are welcomed back, and that’s when you know you are in heaven.

  2. “Say, what do you think it means if you die, and then you immediately find yourself listening to a G. Gordon Liddy interview with Hitler on WJFK?”…..

  3. The ultimate in slapstick humor?….:

    “I was so ugly as a kid, that when I was born, the doctor slapped my Mother”…..

  4. Relax, Enjoy Life, Have Fun << Catchy little catch phrase heh !!! Yep

    Gotta remind people to have fun these days…

  5. In Canada, one sees billboards with that message (Relax, Enjoy Life, Have Fun) posted along the TransCanada Highway by the Canadian government.

  6. Canadians have been doing that for a longtime. But then again when you have an uptight neighbor to the south, then why wouldn’t you?

    ( and Woodstock adds: “Wasn’t it the British who used to say, ‘Stay Calm and don’t let the Nazi bombardments bother you’?”…. )

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