South DaCola

Sioux Falls Police Chief ‘Under my Thum’

This morning on the Belfrage show when Greg was interviewing the mayor he called the new Police Chief, Police Chief ‘Thumb’, Paul was quick to correct him it is pronounced ‘Tomb’. Not sure which is worse. But it proved two things to me, Belfrage not only knows very little about National and State politics, he knows absolutely NOTHING about city politics. And as I have mentioned to my many dissenters, when I come up with nicknames for government officials, I don’t pull them from my butt, someone else does. Greg gets the award today for calling our new Chief, Under My Thum.

Epp does a cordial interview with the new guy.

I will be honest with you, one reason I haven’t railed on Thum is because I have only heard glowing remarks about him, I’m a grain of salt dude though. I will give him the benefit of the doubt. But I still take issue with the internal hiring process in this city, but that is not Thum’s fault.

We will be watching.

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