20 thoughts on “New Facebook Page goes after TenHaken & his Dutch Mafia”
I see he wore a tie, when on a Zoom call with a former president. Yet, the former president showed up with a Taupeville sleeveless vest. At times, it’s tough trying to be hip. (Note-to-self: Wear a tie for the Chinese and former presidents.)
( and Woodstock adds: “Ya, I wonder if the former president has any of those white sole shoes?”… “I know Bush41 used to call him Bozo the Clown”…. )
What the hell is “zipper merging”? It might be time to cover the children’s ears. Did this start in San Francisco? But Dave & Busters is building again and Chick-fil-A has finally opened. So, life is good once again. AND, Biden isn’t sending anymore checks, but the Dutch Mafia obviously is. AND, you know what they say: “Once you go Dutch, you no longer go camping.”
Wait a minute, I thought when you went Dutch you paid your own way. But does having others fund your way under your premise count? They say Dutch Boy paint is a good way to whitewash something, too.
Have you noticed also, that Dutch wooden shoes never have white soles either? They make too much noise and thus offer too much transparency of the comings and goings of someone. But are you really Dutch without those shoes? Or, is the Dutch thing merely a nice cover for something that is much more sinister and mafioso?
“I once ‘zipper merged’ on the way to a camp site.”
Why even make a facebook page to demonize people that is flat rude, is this the country that we were born in back in the 1960 and 1970’s?
Is this how this new age generation wants to create discussion? This is NOT very respectful, and this is why so many people have lost touch and support for the Democrat Party, they love to play these negative roles in life.
IF you do not like someone, or their policies, then say it, in a respectful and positive manner, but to hide behind Facebook or using fake names only shows your true colors in life.
So long as the Democrat Party plays these tactics, South Dakota will remain “RED” and it appears to be getting deeper and deeper RED as the more people get politically ashamed of the Democrat Party and the politics they tend to play.
The Facebook Page did NOT help your cause.
1) The admin of this page is very open about who they are
2) They are a registered Republican
3) The meme’s on the site are based on factual information
4) There is a difference between negativity and being hurtful and the truth which is sometimes controversial
If this person were spreading lies about PTH I would agree with you, but everything on there is factual.
The mayor was the first one to use the word “Mafia” to identify one of his associations and not his opponents.
AND why would a good Christian joke about the mafia anyhow?
As long as you use true facts, why does an alias, or not, matter? Often credible lawsuits involve a Jane Doe or a John Doe.
( and Woodstock adds: “Ya, and don’t forget about ‘unindicted co-conspirator’ or ‘person of interest #1 or #2″…”Say, whatever happen to Paul Erickson anyhow?”)
Whatever it takes to get FBI attention?
Isn’t Dutch Mafia an alias, too? Or, is it more of a shell corporation? AND what about Royal Dutch Shell? How royal are they? How Dutch are they? AND can you be a Shell corporation without being a shell corporation? I am glad the Dutch don’t like baseball, however. But does Orange City have a team? What are they called? The ‘Mobsters’ who like to steal bases and do everything with bats, gloves, and greased balls? #WhosOnFirst?
Eyes wents to Dordts and gots to bees on a Zoomy thingy mong doey with a Roads Scholar dude and a bilionerror. These others peoples I aint shirt about. #CovidEquality
I was wondering when this was going to get more publicity.
I just think people are using facebook and social media for all the wrong reasons. It is one thing to call out some ones policies and actions, another to degrade them.
Look at Donald Trump and how he used TWITTER to call out Congressional Action, Policies, and Called Out their Discussion Points, he never intentionally slanderewd any individual, or called anyone names, he simply called out their policy.
Are you talking about the twitter feed of the previous president Donald Trump or another Trump? Because what you wrote seems to be comedy gold. As for PTH, I am still puzzled about what you mean about degrading. Everything that was stated was true. I guess what you are saying is that PTH has degraded himself by doing those things.
84 likes? Wow, certainly viral. Especially when compared with the 27,497 likes on Paul’s official page. He might as well drop out now and concede the race to Mike Z.
“Once again, the anti-quotation boy has proven that he can be found from within the bowels of city hall”…
87 likes! Going to crash the server pretty quick if this viral page keeps growing. I have to wonder how many of the 87 likes are VSG and his dozens of aliases he posts under here.
I am not running for Mayor, I actually support the current Mayor, he has showed me to be someone who actually listens to people.
I am in fact planning on running for the Northwest District in 2024, possibly throwing my name into the hat for the open At Large Seat in 2022 not expecting to win, but to go thru the motions of getting valuable experience and talking to people.
Mike Zitterich
“Say anti-quotation boy who crawls through the bowels of city hall”…. “VSG isn’t even on FB”…. “So how do you like those cookies?”…. #Facebook:AChristmasLetterThatNeverEnds
Chick-fil-A has trimmed service to offer only drive thru during peak hours.
Perfect opportunity for PTH to mediate zipper merging in the drive thru lanes.
If zipper merging can work in the drive thru lanes during lunch rush at Chik-fil-A, it can work in construction zones in the city.
I love it! Zipper merging for chicken! But I would hate to be the $12 an hour worker who has to keep all of that straight. Well, actually it wouldn’t be straight, would it? AND then there was the stripper who once worked for Christ, but that’s a story for a different day. I need to keep my Chicks straight, zipper or not.
I see he wore a tie, when on a Zoom call with a former president. Yet, the former president showed up with a Taupeville sleeveless vest. At times, it’s tough trying to be hip. (Note-to-self: Wear a tie for the Chinese and former presidents.)
( and Woodstock adds: “Ya, I wonder if the former president has any of those white sole shoes?”… “I know Bush41 used to call him Bozo the Clown”…. )
What the hell is “zipper merging”? It might be time to cover the children’s ears. Did this start in San Francisco? But Dave & Busters is building again and Chick-fil-A has finally opened. So, life is good once again. AND, Biden isn’t sending anymore checks, but the Dutch Mafia obviously is. AND, you know what they say: “Once you go Dutch, you no longer go camping.”
Wait a minute, I thought when you went Dutch you paid your own way. But does having others fund your way under your premise count? They say Dutch Boy paint is a good way to whitewash something, too.
Have you noticed also, that Dutch wooden shoes never have white soles either? They make too much noise and thus offer too much transparency of the comings and goings of someone. But are you really Dutch without those shoes? Or, is the Dutch thing merely a nice cover for something that is much more sinister and mafioso?
“I once ‘zipper merged’ on the way to a camp site.”
Why even make a facebook page to demonize people that is flat rude, is this the country that we were born in back in the 1960 and 1970’s?
Is this how this new age generation wants to create discussion? This is NOT very respectful, and this is why so many people have lost touch and support for the Democrat Party, they love to play these negative roles in life.
IF you do not like someone, or their policies, then say it, in a respectful and positive manner, but to hide behind Facebook or using fake names only shows your true colors in life.
So long as the Democrat Party plays these tactics, South Dakota will remain “RED” and it appears to be getting deeper and deeper RED as the more people get politically ashamed of the Democrat Party and the politics they tend to play.
The Facebook Page did NOT help your cause.
1) The admin of this page is very open about who they are
2) They are a registered Republican
3) The meme’s on the site are based on factual information
4) There is a difference between negativity and being hurtful and the truth which is sometimes controversial
If this person were spreading lies about PTH I would agree with you, but everything on there is factual.
The mayor was the first one to use the word “Mafia” to identify one of his associations and not his opponents.
AND why would a good Christian joke about the mafia anyhow?
As long as you use true facts, why does an alias, or not, matter? Often credible lawsuits involve a Jane Doe or a John Doe.
( and Woodstock adds: “Ya, and don’t forget about ‘unindicted co-conspirator’ or ‘person of interest #1 or #2″…”Say, whatever happen to Paul Erickson anyhow?”)
Whatever it takes to get FBI attention?
Isn’t Dutch Mafia an alias, too? Or, is it more of a shell corporation? AND what about Royal Dutch Shell? How royal are they? How Dutch are they? AND can you be a Shell corporation without being a shell corporation? I am glad the Dutch don’t like baseball, however. But does Orange City have a team? What are they called? The ‘Mobsters’ who like to steal bases and do everything with bats, gloves, and greased balls? #WhosOnFirst?
Eyes wents to Dordts and gots to bees on a Zoomy thingy mong doey with a Roads Scholar dude and a bilionerror. These others peoples I aint shirt about. #CovidEquality
I was wondering when this was going to get more publicity.
I just think people are using facebook and social media for all the wrong reasons. It is one thing to call out some ones policies and actions, another to degrade them.
Look at Donald Trump and how he used TWITTER to call out Congressional Action, Policies, and Called Out their Discussion Points, he never intentionally slanderewd any individual, or called anyone names, he simply called out their policy.
Are you talking about the twitter feed of the previous president Donald Trump or another Trump? Because what you wrote seems to be comedy gold. As for PTH, I am still puzzled about what you mean about degrading. Everything that was stated was true. I guess what you are saying is that PTH has degraded himself by doing those things.
What do you mean Trump never used name calling?
84 likes? Wow, certainly viral. Especially when compared with the 27,497 likes on Paul’s official page. He might as well drop out now and concede the race to Mike Z.
“Once again, the anti-quotation boy has proven that he can be found from within the bowels of city hall”…
87 likes! Going to crash the server pretty quick if this viral page keeps growing. I have to wonder how many of the 87 likes are VSG and his dozens of aliases he posts under here.
I am not running for Mayor, I actually support the current Mayor, he has showed me to be someone who actually listens to people.
I am in fact planning on running for the Northwest District in 2024, possibly throwing my name into the hat for the open At Large Seat in 2022 not expecting to win, but to go thru the motions of getting valuable experience and talking to people.
Mike Zitterich
“Say anti-quotation boy who crawls through the bowels of city hall”…. “VSG isn’t even on FB”…. “So how do you like those cookies?”…. #Facebook:AChristmasLetterThatNeverEnds
Chick-fil-A has trimmed service to offer only drive thru during peak hours.
Perfect opportunity for PTH to mediate zipper merging in the drive thru lanes.
If zipper merging can work in the drive thru lanes during lunch rush at Chik-fil-A, it can work in construction zones in the city.
I love it! Zipper merging for chicken! But I would hate to be the $12 an hour worker who has to keep all of that straight. Well, actually it wouldn’t be straight, would it? AND then there was the stripper who once worked for Christ, but that’s a story for a different day. I need to keep my Chicks straight, zipper or not.