They recommended C11A. I like it because it includes Whittier and Cathedral neighborhoods into the Central and further makes that district more diverse. This is only a recommendation (all members voted for it). It still has to go thru the public review process and be approved by the City Council.
I would also like to commend Chair Mark Millage and especially Commissioner Tom Hurlbert for pushing for this major change in the Central District it is something I think should have been done a long time ago. I have often felt that the Legislative District of 13 should look like this to.

“It looks like I am no longer a southwest sider”… “I’ve been gerryied into the great northwest”… “Once a Rough Rider, but now a Cavalier”… “Maybe it’s like once safe, but now indifferent”… “Oh well, we have known for sometime, that the northwest doesn’t care about ethics”….