As you can see below in executive orders, he pretty much eliminated the Chief Cultural Officer position (which he didn’t need anyway) and combined it with someone who was already working in the innovation office as an assistant, and dropped the pay significantly for this new position. (the former officer was making $117K a year, starting pay for the new position is $60K a year)

At this point, I don’t know what to think of this rearranging of the deck chairs. But it seems ironic that a position the mayor felt he needed working in his office has suddenly resigned(?) and he pushes the job on someone else for lesser pay. It would be nice if he could give a public explanation to the council, but he made need to hire an Innovative Communications Cultural Marketing Specialist Analyst Officer to get it right.


20 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls Mayor TenHaken combines two positions, for less salary after the resignation of his Cultural Officer

  1. Very Stable Genius on October 28, 2021 at 7:37 pm said:

    Innovation Coordinator suggests that the innovation already exists. A Chief Culture Officer suggests that one will be in charge of the culture, or maybe a new culture at the Officer’s whim. A Culture and Innovation Officer, however, suggests that the culture will go untouched. Yet, others things will be innovated. Thus, the culture will only be maintained, which was not the original intent of that office, right? BUT, innovation will be welcomed or entertained except not in the area of culture. What kind of culture is that? AND, should innovation ever have prescribed limitations?

    ( and Woodstock adds: “I think it’s time for some Culture Club”…. “That’s what I think”… (“Or, is that Breakfast Club?”…. )

  2. I think someone said it best to me today when I brought up the revolving door in the Poops admin and I said, ‘Do you think people just don’t like working for him?’ and they just said they are probably tired of his ineptness.

  3. Very Stable Genius on October 28, 2021 at 8:33 pm said:

    My favorite resignation was the guy who couldn’t handle the criticism about where he lived, which was claimed by a Taupester who hid his whiskey in an office file cabinet.

    Cruise control/soap opera looking leadership is most likely not going to end well, but in the meantime, we will all be subjected to social media innovation and what a political culture that is. It’s like Bookface changing its name to Meta, But, you know what Shakespeare penned about a rose, don’t you?

  4. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on October 28, 2021 at 9:41 pm said:

    Why are we wasting all of this time with this crap? All I really need are good roads, plowed roads, and safe neighborhoods.

  5. The Guy From Guernsey on October 29, 2021 at 8:08 am said:

    C’mon, were there not two crony buddies who would accept these positions at full pay?

  6. D@ily Spin on October 29, 2021 at 10:29 am said:

    These decisions are the privilege of the mayor to keep his term running smoothly. In this case there’s 2 positions with more title than responsibility replaced with one doing nothing for less money. To make bond payments there should be more action such as this. Huether created token slots that were creative titles but merely paychecks for political soldiers.

  7. D@ily Spin on October 29, 2021 at 10:37 am said:

    Fear and Loathing #4 makes a point. One must remember city administration is legal organized crime with roots from the inception of Strong Mayor Charter. I’d add social services to comment 4. The county is overburdened. The city incarcerates those the county doesn’t have budget for.

  8. Allie has worked for the city for around 2 years(?) already, and guess where she used to work? Click Rain

  9. My Mistake Mike on October 29, 2021 at 11:18 am said:

    I’d like to know what happened with Rana DeBoer. PTH sure made her hiring a big deal, then made sure she was on all the local HR panels and made the rounds on the Rotary circuit.

    Maybe if I post the question on Facebook, a local reporter will follow up? Or I could start a GoFundMe page for her.

  10. I’m guessing this one bailed on their own

  11. Mike Lee Zitterich on October 29, 2021 at 3:22 pm said:

    I have no issue with the mayor replacing one position with another position for less money, the MAYOR has the right to fill his office with someone he needs to help manage the office. It is smart business sense. And him saving the taxpayers nearly $60,000 a year is fine in my book.
    – Mike Zitterich

  12. name thankfully no longer in quotes on October 29, 2021 at 3:59 pm said:

    You’ve got to be the maddest, angriest guy I’ve ever ran across. Saving the City money, and you’re bitching about it. I still say you should run for mayor, since you’re so much smarter than everyone else and certainly think you know more than everyone else.

  13. My post wasn’t about salaries, but since you bring it up, sure, I’m glad he is paying a lower salary. The post was about the strange disappearance of an officer he begged the council to have, and now that she is gone, he hides behind some executive orders to combine it with another title, than strangely thinks the new person who is wearing two hats should get half the pay. It’s just baffling to me and nothing to do with the pay scales.

  14. Further Fear & Loathing on October 29, 2021 at 7:17 pm said:

    No cultural development and limits on innovation mean a justified cut in pay.

  15. Mike Z, you are so naive. Saving money, lol. Clearly you have been fleeced. When a position is vacated it will be used to create a new position. Who knows what pay amount it will be. It could be less, could be more. They will change the name and can use it almost anywhere needed or not. Probably will stay in the department she came out of.

  16. D@ily Spin on October 30, 2021 at 11:27 am said:

    Apparently there’s no job security at the city. You’re subject to the whim of a 4 year term and lucky if you last that long.

  17. Mike Zitterich on October 30, 2021 at 11:44 pm said:

    Again, if someone in the Mayor’s office resigns, the Mayor can at anytime create a new office by executive order, so long as the funds available for the ‘expense’ of such costs to employ such “office” were budgeted by the City Council.

    The current mayor is NOT doing anything wrong, so long as he is not exhausting any unappropriated funds. The City Council could with 6 votes, nullify his executive order of creating such office/appointing a new officer within his office. “THE FUNDS” appropriated within the current BUDGET must stay within that “department, office, commission, or agency”.

    Section 4.01 (a) Creation of departments. The mayor may establish city departments, offices, or agencies in addition to those created by this charter by filing an
    executive order which may also provide that any funds previously appropriated to perform a function which is being transferred may thereby be
    transferred to the new major organizational unit performing such function, with such order becoming effective after the expiration of 25 days from the
    date it is filed, unless action is taken to nullify the executive order by a vote of six (6) or more members of the city council. The mayor may prescribe the
    functions of all departments, offices, and agencies, except that no function assigned by this charter to a particular department, office, or agency may be
    discontinued or, unless this charter specifically so provides, assigned to any other.

    THe Mayor is NOT doing nothing outside his duties, nor powers, and the “MONEY” is already appropriated. He does NOT need any vote of the council to replace an officer in his office, unless he is transferring the funds to another department.

    I am not naive, nor blind, I know what I am talking about.

  18. Once again Mike you are confusing ethics with the law. There is NOTHING unlawful about what Paul is doing. Someone quit and he has to replace that person, he is going a different route. Once again, my point is this person he desperately needed is now dissolved and we have NO clue what they did over the last 2 years. I’m guessing nothing. Just a few weeks ago, I believe it was councilor Erickson asked for some kind of report about her performance and the next thing you know, she quits. Don’t you have some questions about that? I certainly do. But instead the news does a story about Poops serving ice cream.

  19. Mike Zitterich on October 31, 2021 at 1:50 pm said:

    The Council should do an audit of the job she did, yes. Let alone at least obtain information on the culture of the employed residency of City Hall to see what the short and long term gains or losses were. I was torn on the concept of hiring a culture officer as well, not sure how it was different than what the H.R department does, but I the mayor had a vision for the city and he thought we needed this position, it was probaly more of a campaign promise he kept which I do applaud him for doing so.

    To be honestly, I have no idea what role Rana really had with the city in both her positions other than to keep the employees in fitness shape, physically stout.

    And you are right, we have never heard from her in 4 years, she was kind of quite to say the least.

    Honestly, I want to know more about her new role in a private company and wonder if there will be kick backs from the City to that new company…

  20. anominous on November 1, 2021 at 1:21 pm said:

    who resigns a candy job like that jeez

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