Audit Committee • 4 PM • Monday 6th
• Update on External Audit of City’s 2021 Financial Statements by Eide Bailly, LLP
• Annual Risk Assessment
• 2022 Proposed Audit Plan
Sioux Falls City Council Informational • 4 PM • Tuesday 7th
• Engineering Design Standards Updates
• 2021 Crime Trends & Statistics by Police Chief Jonathan Thum (So now the City Council is finally getting a presentation yet still NO links to the Power Point presentation).
Sioux Falls City Council Regular Meetings • 6 PM • Tuesday 7th
Item #6, Approval of Contracts,
Sub Item #7, RR Crossing Improvements, $82K (I would assume this has to do with some of the development going on with the RR Redevelopment. I recently had a few beers with a business fellar who works closely in this industry that flat out told me any major changes to rail traffic through this area MUST go thru the FEDS.)
Sub Item #11, Zoo design for Lion exhibit, $482K (I find it curious this is going thru Parks and Rec. So now our parks budget is being used to ‘Design’ things for the Zoo. Just think of using this money for actual improvements to our FREE parks system?)
Sub Item #17, (you will notice this has to do with a payout to the Chamber for BID taxes since the separation from the CVB that NO ONE in the media wants to talk about. There is also NO mention of the dollar amount).
Item #40, 2nd Reading, the mysterious alcohol licensing fees.
Item #47, 2nd Reading, Fire sale for parking lot for UN-affordable housing DTSF.
Item #50, 1st Reading, approving new districts in Sioux Falls
Item #53, Resolution taking money from streets to the Facade Core Revitalization Program, $120K, but who is it going towards?
Sioux Falls Parks Board Meeting • 4 PM • Wednesday 8th
Ironically, this meeting is being held at the Overlook Cafe at the same time as the CRC meeting. How convenient? There is one item on the agenda that sparked my interest under ‘New Business’;
Sanford Parking Agreement – Don Kearney
Not sure what this is about, but maybe it has something to do with the soccer and ball fields they are building right now?
Charter Revision Commission • 4 PM • Wednesday 8th
Well, well, well. It seems the CRC has decided to move this meeting back to 4 PM instead of 3:30 PM like last month. I wonder why? There seems to be a lot more agenda items this time around . . . this will actually be a really interesting meeting. While I support Kirby’s ideas about the mayor, I don’t support rank choice. But it really doesn’t matter because the CRC will KILL all of these proposals anyway.