South DaCola

How will Sioux Falls Public Works handle Friday’s possible snowstorm?

Let’s pretend the forecast for Friday comes true (I hope it doesn’t) and the city comes under a snow alert Friday night. Will the city be able to dig us out (residential) by Monday morning? I ask this question, because I have noticed over the past two years and the past two winter events recently that it seems the city doesn’t seem to be to concerned with cleaning the residential streets.

Mind you, I don’t want the public works department to plow every street when we get a little sleet or a little snow, but at least sand intersections. I didn’t see one single truck and on my 7 mile commute across downtown to the NW part of the city, no intersections cleaned or sanded.

The rumor going around is that they are short staffed. I was unaware that the city lost dozens of employees in the street department. I also point out that the city budgets for this service and with a $700 million dollar budget, we have the funds to plow and maintain the streets.

So if we get over 4 inches on Friday, how will the city react?

While I had my issues with Mayor Munson, he never faltered on plowing the streets, in fact he prided himself on the service the city was providing and made many improvements.

Maybe the street department will send out peeps to pink spray paint our residential streets to alert us of the deep unplowed snow?

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