Amber Ruffin; Nazis, Traitors and Fascists
I just got into watching Ruffin over the weekend. She’s hilarious.
I just got into watching Ruffin over the weekend. She’s hilarious.
As a South DaCola foot soldier pointed out to me yesterday, how can 4 votes out of a 9 member commission pass a $94 million dollar TIF recommendation to the city council?
Good question. After spinning my wheels yesterday I discovered according to the Commission’s own rules and Robert’s Rules they can conduct business with 5 members present even if the chair is a non-voting member (they only break ties).
So this got me even more curious about the attendance of the Planning Commission, even pre-covid and discovered over the past year, even though they can attend meetings via phone, a good chunk of them don’t even bother to show up. In fact, over the past 14 months, they have never conducted business with a full body (9 members);
Feb 2021 – 5
Jan 2021 – 6
Dec 2020- 6
Nov – 5
Oct – 6
Sep – 7
Aug – 7
July – 7
June – 2 meetings, 6 at both
May – 6
April – 5
March – 6
Feb – 7
Jan – 5
While I totally understand that these members are volunteers, I question what they signed up for? While they do have to read a lot of materials to prepare, they only really need to attend ONE meeting per month for about 1-2 hours. That’s it!
But my blame for this attendance isn’t on this all volunteer board, it really lies in the lap of Planning Director Eckhoff and his boss Mayor Stoneless. Has there ever been an attendance discussion? My guess is probably not considering it is easier for the mayor and his developer friends to push an agenda when no one shows up to vote on that agenda (or very few).
I think it is absolutely disgusting that a board that is supposed to recommend to the council can pass a ludicrous $94 million dollar TIF on 4 out of 9 possible votes, with next to no discussion.
This administration gets sloppier by the day when it comes to process.
This is an interesting interview with Theresa about her experience on the Sioux Falls city council.
Districting Commission Meeting • 6 PM • Monday, Feb 8
The administration does a fine job of man-splaining to the commission what they NEED to do ETHICALLY and LEGALLY and their OPTIONS. Wondering when the city attorney is going to go over these rules with the mayor? Either way, should be a good meeting, and I think the members of the commission is a good bunch.
City Council Informational Meeting • 4 PM • Tuesday, Feb 9
There are several presentations with NO supporting documents except the plan for the Washington Pavilion to take over the Municipal Band. While I don’t take any issue with them taking it over I do find it a bit ironic that the city will still be funding the entity with our taxdollars;
• WPMI to Provide budget annually, subject to appropriation, set at $112,200 in FY2021.
So the Mayor’s Administration’s big plan to force the Municipal Band to become a non-profit really went nowhere. Just like changing the names of several departments in the city with no real changes, this is just another example of the city doing something to make it look like they are doing something without producing any real change. Kind of like the creation of police precincts that are not to be confused with police precincts 🙂
Regular Meeting • 6 PM • Tuesday, Feb 9
This looks to be a very short meeting, there is very little controversial items on the agenda.
I will admit when the city posted this on their FB page the other day, I thought it was clever. It also explains why the sanding job they do is so horrible 🙂