You be the judge.

Item #6, Sub ITEM #1 = Consent Agenda (Contracts) – Lease Agreement for 900 West Cherokee Street and 1607 North E Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD for use by Vector Control Agreement Term through 12/31/22 with the option to extend for 4 additional 1 year terms = $45,300/year.

While the city has tons of storage to have the Vector control facility and storage on city property they have chosen to rent private space in a machine shed.

Ironically they have told us that the skiter spray is completely safe (nevermind the concentration of it is highly toxic and flammable). So safe apparently they can’t store on city property and they have to rent a private facility (a machine shed in the industrial park.) At least they got it out of the basement of city hall (I heard rumors it used to be there.)

3 Thoughts on “Is the City of Sioux Falls storing highly concentrated skiter spray in a private facility?

  1. The Guy From Guernsey on March 1, 2022 at 11:41 pm said:

    Very fortunate to have found space in the Sioux Falls Sports and Entertainment District.

  2. Very Stable Genius on March 2, 2022 at 2:50 pm said:

    Speaking of the SFS&ED, the old West Sioux Hardware spot would have made a great place for ZEAL.

  3. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on March 2, 2022 at 2:54 pm said:

    “….At least they got it out of the basement of city hall (I heard rumors it used to be there.)….”

    Didn’t Neitzert used to have a city basement storage, I mean office, too? I guess we now know where the toxicity is kept around here.

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