We all know NW Iowa is the stomping grounds of the Dutch Mafia, so no surprise.

Photo by SouthDaCola Foot Soldier

By l3wis

15 thoughts on “TenHaken brings in some campaign goons from Wisconsin and Iowa?”
  1. I am not too scared, however. Only one of those vehicles has a trunk, but then again maybe all three have crowbars.

  2. I’ve discovered residents from NW Iowa and SW Minnesota resent that they pay sales tax in Sioux Falls but have no voice. They go out of their way to order online with home delivery. Amazon and others are popular. I tell them citizens of the city have no voice either given Strong Arm Charter.

    Bringing in out of state campaign hit men means lots. Namely, elections are programmed. There was a time when a mayor focused on leadership instead of promotion into and during a term. TenPoops seems like an actor or sports star with a good agent.

  3. “How are there so many white guys on the Wisconsin basketball team?”…. “What does that say about them?”… (“Is that racist of me?” .. (“That’s not racist, is it?”… “I did’t mean it to be”… (“But how is that …?”…. (“Oh, I know why, ya…” ))))… “

  4. “Ya, isn’t your Dad the one who got a golden parachute from a non-profit?”…. (“How can a non-profit have anything left over for a golden parachute?”…. )

  5. I have always doubted that TenHaken is really a Republican (because he practices big government and freely spends huge amounts of money for things far-flung from the legitimate role of a municipal government).
    But now, I even doubt his credentials as a Taupevillian.
    JFC, Chevrolets!?!?
    And not even Tahoes, nor Suburbans!?!? A Trax!?!?

    Surrender your Digital Gate Pass to Taupeville, Mr. Mayor.

  6. TGFG,

    I thought the same thing about the cars, but my guess is that these cars most likely come from the fundamentalist wing of his constituency. These cars look like the kind of people who like to go camping on weekends, if you know what I mean. The minivan to the left is definitely only left in this picture and driven by a conservative soccer mom, who doesn’t want to expand Medicaid, but still wants to save every fetus. The middle car most likely belongs to a young church youth director from Sheboygan, and the black one most likely belongs to a retired church elder from Ottumwa.


    After further review of the license plates, the youth director is from Ottumwa, while the retired church elder, who used to work in insurance and seldom uses his cellphone ( 😉 ), is from Sheboygan…. Oh, and I almost forgot, the conservative soccer mom also has a very pretty face, but is beginning to lose her cute figure to Chick-fil-A and her local pastor has definitely begun to notice that….

  8. VSG,
    I think you may be correct about the various occupations, but the middle car is licensed in Iowa. Is it Sioux County? Perhaps a parttime church youth program director from Sioux Center*, and also enrolled as a student in the Youth Pastor degree program at Dordt (one of the non-Californian students, obviously)?
    And I think I recognize the dealer sticker on the Impala, licensed in Wisc, as that of Marquart Motors (western Wisconsin). The retired church elder probably lives in the Eau Claire/Chippewa Falls area. In those counties, they went pretty hard for Ted Cruz and John Kasich in the 2016 Repub primary. Support for a barely-Republican Kasich, would align squarely with someone committing to a PTH campaign.

    * Say, this blog post was made on a Sunday. I hope the picture wasn’t taken on a Sunday. Work on a political campaign, much like the work of mowing one’s lawn, should not be done on a Sunday.

  9. If they went hard for Cruz, then what about his Dad, who was tight with Lee Harvey? Anything is thus possible here. And, is it just me, or is Ted’s look morphing into Fidel? He has the beard and sometimes he sports an army green hunting vest while down at the border. Remember, Lee Harvey proactively presented a leftest image, too, while handing out pro Cuba leaflets in New Orleans that were printed at a rightwing N.O. print shop. #JustSayin

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