I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when I read this article about the DTSF developers behind Cherapa XXX;
And concerns about Cherapa Place colliding with Bishop Dudley Hospitality House or Union Gospel Men’s Center have not made developers wary. Although there might be the possibility that rising values could cause the shelters to sell, overall Pendar Properties hopes to work on a solution that works for all parties.
“I think what we do is we make this work together. There is a division, but it can be something we make positive,” Scherschligt told the Argus Leader.
Gee, like putting them somewhere else to begin with? It reminds me of the quiet zones. This stuff should have been negotiated to begin with, now we are going to throw even more tax dollars at the problems (that is who is paying for the quiet zones and eventually the relocation of the shelters).
I don’t expect our leaders to have a ton of vision, well maybe I do, but common sense would be nice.
Maybe they could relocate to Taupeville and be painted taupe. They would then be less noticeable, right?
From both a literal and figurative standpoint, the less-privileged in this town are already on the other side of the tracks.
I would be curious the way in which this collision was surfaced during the Rotary meeting, but Scherschlgt and Lloyd’s lieutenant said it. Those with socioeconomic privilege will claim the area “on the other side of the tracks” for gentrification, mostly because they don’t want to view from their perch, the underbelly of civilzation in this town (and certainly don’t want to share that view with out-of-town visitors).
I predict the underprivileged (and those who serve them) will be pushed further to the east. Things will get even more interesting at the interchange of I-229 and 10th St.
With the 229 / 10th St exit no longer an attractive Gateway to DTBT (Downtown Boom Town), a $2 million campagn by the Chamber of Commerce convinces tourists to exit I-29 at the soon-to-be-built 85th St exit to drive through Taupeville enroute to DTBT.
The only thing to be determined, the size of the government teat extended to folks like Jeff Scherschligt, Craig Lloyd and Norm Drake in order that they can extend VWOPM (Vision With Other People’s Money) to the area “across the tracks”. This area are will certainly gain designation as a brownfield development area, if for no other reason – the bathroom habits of the current inhabitants.
“They should have a Boom Town Burger Battle”…. “I can see the commercial now: ‘Have you been BTBBed yet and with a PBR?…’…” #Boutiques #Breweries #Bullshit #BuildBackBetter(?)
When they get that 85th Street exchanged completed, I hope the first ones to test it out are some Canadian truckers.
#WelcomeToTaupeville #RememberToNotCampAtThisWalmart
#RiodeJaneiroSlumsAreAllInstitutionalGreenWhileWeAreAllTaupe #TheresADifference