This is certainly newsworthy, if you watched the police briefing today you will notice that there wasn’t any crimes committed over the past day. Any questions?

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “There was NO crime in Sioux Falls over the past 24 hours”
  1. “Yes, I have two questions”….. “Were the rounds fired in front of the local taco shop, 28, or 29 rounds?”…. “Also, if an owner of a bank was a policer officer instead, would he be arrested by now for what was founded on his phone?”….

  2. I don’t care what they say. Sometimes this town is nothing but Mayberry. (Was Andy’s house taupe?)

  3. Maybe (Mayberry?) Sean Spicer would like to do a gig with the SFPD to spice things up….. #Spicer

    (….”Contrary to press reports, our SFPD mannequin challenge was the greatest mannequin challenge ever performed by a local police department”…. “Never had so many local police officers ever before participated in such a mannequin challenge”… )

  4. On the way to work this morning I saw a single car accident by the EC, because our street department can’t seem to even plow arterials this car appeared to slide into the curb and screw up his bunper. I slowed down to make sure he was okay. As I continued to drive I noticed 3 patrol cars came to the rescue. Apparently we have enough cops but not enough snow plow drivers.

  5. Hey Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls the houses seem o be a white as all the characters, taupe in Sioux Falls must be the equal.

  6. “Yes, that’s a good spin on it. Taupe housing is an example of subconscious white guilt”….

  7. They should put plows on the squad cars. They already have lights. But I’ve heard that plow drivers get hungry and eat a lot. 🙁

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