South DaCola

Don’t use kids as political props

As I said in 2010 when council candidate Vernon Brown did it;

I do not respect any politician that uses their children as political props, in fact, I consider it desperate. 

Well, at least Vern was using his own daughter. In TenHaken’s (small) defense, he was at a public school helping kids make dog treats (so he could feed his campaign goons?), nothing wrong with that . . . but to post it to your FB page where you are posting campaign endorsements? Really? I also question if the parents of these kids are aware of this (I blocked out their faces).

What I find so ironic about this is that one of Paul’s campaign goons was just bitching on his blog a few days ago about an altered headshot of a candidate? Really? What about this?

If I were the parents of these two young girls, I would demand Paul takes these photos off his FB page and remind him that kids are NOT political props.

*I am aware that Paul’s opponent, Islam, also uses her kids as props too. Nothing wrong with getting your kids involved with the political process, I encourage it, but leave them out of the promotion and advertising. It’s not cute, it’s just tacky.

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