In some kind of bizarro world the city clerk’s office has yet to provide citizens a sample ballot on the city website to download and view before early voting starts next Monday. How are people supposed to study a ballot before voting? I was able to find the sample ballot for MY district (Central) by clicking thru several links and putting in my voter registration information on the SOS website, but it is missing the entire ballot (SE District). You will also notice that for some strange reason they have decided to make it a 2-sided ballot even though everything WOULD fit on the front side. I have been a graphic designer long enough to know that spacing (leading) could have been adjusted to make it fit, but notice they but the controversial lawyer amendment on the back side. How many people will turn it over to vote?
The rumor is the ballot will not print in the local newspaper until about a week before the election with early voting already occurring.
I have also noticed that the media has decided to do mayoral debates only about a week before the election. I think by this time most people have made up their minds.
I think they are trying to discourage early and absentee voting and new voter registration which also expires on March 28th. Make no mistake this is part of the war on transparency this city has been engaged in for years.
The League of Women Voters of Sioux Falls along with the Siouxland Libraries is sponsoring a Voter Registration Event this Saturday, March 26th, 3:00 – 5:00 PM at the downtown library.
People can ask their questions about voting, learn about upcoming elections, check their registration or register to vote right there on the spot.— just in time. Monday is the last day to register for voting in the April 12 city election.
Refreshments and kids activity too.

Our local school board doesn’t advertise an election and now this. Trust me, it doesn’t take tanks to destroy a democracy.
( and Woodstock adds: “What’s that great philosophical question?”…. “Oh ya: ‘What if they were suppose to hold an election but no one showed up?’…”….. “Well, I guess we’ll find out soon”… )
So, I was in a taupe neighborhood today, where I saw a house with a ThuneHaken yardsign and a Ukrainian flag waving. Democracy with no transparency, that’s an interesting concept. I wonder how long it can last?
Perhaps they thought the Shoppers News was going to take care of that. They usually did, if I recall.
This is a new low for hiding an election. Don’t count on the Argus. I paid $2.60 at Casey’s for a copy. The clerk had to go looking under the counter to find one.
DS had a Sam Drucker experience. Did he check the date of the paper? Headlines read: ‘Lamont Development to Build Village on the River’.
Election irregularity started with taking the votes home overnight. Then came redistricting. Then polling locations became a scavenger hunt. Who knows where they’re hidden this year. In my case a poll worker told me I couldn’t vote because I was an independent. It seems that year after year there’s something else. Now this, not making ballots public. Is this the year voting rights recede into faded history? According to the Supreme Court nominee Biden is not a king. Not true locally, Strong Mayor is.
Sup with 5 letter names
One of my favorite fascinations with the state legislative redistricting process was that they didn’t want to split up counties if they could help it, but had no problem splitting up precincts to make it work for politicians and political parties. It appears our political leaders have greater concern for themselves and rural county auditors, than the voters.
( and Woodstock adds: “Ya, isn’t that something when they run a Berlin Wall through a precinct all in the name of democracy?”….) #EastBerliner #MrGorbachev!