Imagine my surprise today when I went to the meeting agenda page and in the bottom left hand corner when I clicked on the calendar instead of a PDF coming up, an actual interactive calendar appears with links to events.

I have known about this link for awhile but it was never linked to this page. I am not sure if it was ever linked to the website before. It was previously sent to me by a city employee.

Not sure who in the IT department or clerk’s office crawled out of the darkness and made this nice little change, but you deserve a coin, a children’s book or at the very least an atta-boy.

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “City of Sioux Falls Website got a little bit more transparent”
  1. My guess is that they ran out of liquor in that infamous file cabinet and are now back to business as usual.

  2. LOL.

    My guess is that a newly elected city councilor probably asked the clerk’s office if there was a calendar link on the website for the council office page and why not. The clerk’s office probably put a work order into the IT department and asked them to add it. Something I could do on my site in about 3 minutes. With the city it probably took 3 days. When I told someone today about my work order theory he said, “Greco probably put the work order in 4 years ago and it was finally completed.”

  3. City hall is a premier example of Art Deco, but don’t forget the Greco touch. (Art Greco?…. I think, I went to high school with him.)….

  4. What about a monthly calendar girl, would that help? They could have names like Miss TIFfany, Zoning Honey, Parking & Recreation, Curvy Sioux, Miss Fire Call, Miss Blue Bunny, and what about Miss Developed? Because government doesn’t work unless it grabs the citizenry’s attention….. Which explains why we have a Chippendale leader.

  5. I forgot to check, while I was down in SA this winter, if the city website is accessible from an IP outside the US yet.

  6. The web gurus of the city told the assembled meeting the site was blocked from outside US, wondered if the really checked?

  7. If we are blocked outside of the US, then how are Chinese investors going to know about us? Are we just suppose to ham it up for them to notice? What about the Potsdamians? Can they still like us on FB? Blocking us outside of the US seems rather odd. It must be a hacker safety strategy. But what if the hackers have lots of money? They could make great potential developers. Once they find out that local development is like the internet here, or should we say the Wild West, then they should be intrigued about us and want to ham it up as well. #HamBone

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