As I reported in January, local businessman, Matt Paulson is funneling his personal wealth into the city council races by using his PAC. It is completely legal, but kind of shady (you know like having your toddlers donate thousands to a campaign).

According to the city’s website;

April 7, 2022 – Local Jurisdictions Campaign Finance Disclosure Report due not later than 5 p.m. for all municipal candidates, municipal candidate campaign committees, municipal political action committees, municipal ballot question committees, and applicable nonmunicipal political action committees.* The reporting period is March 1, 2022 (or last submitted report) through April 4, 2022.

Paulson’s PAC hasn’t filed another report since January.

Maybe I am unclear of the rules, but it appears to me you don’t have to file a report if you didn’t give or receive money. But that is not the case. In January he lists candidates Rehfeldt, Barranco and Soehl.

But if you look at the reports for Merkouris filed on April 7, he has since then received money from the PAC. Soehl also lists receiving another donation since then.

Sarah Cole also received $5,000 from Lee Schoenbeck’s PAC, SD Strong. That PAC hasn’t filed since January either and Buffalo PAC gave her $5,000 and they have not filed either.

I think the fine is $50 for missing a filing date, but you have to wonder if they are just running out the clock until Wednesday to hide something? Or it could be blatant incompetence. I’m going with further shaddiness.

Mayoral Candidate David Z said it best in the debates, there is too much money in the local races.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “Falls Community Growth PAC missed filing deadline”
  1. I believe the Falls Community Growth PAC is a statewide pack to promote and sponsor ballet questions, candidates at the statewide level regarding the legislature and county levels, let alone to lobby the legislature to place items on the agenda, let alone place items or candidates on the statewide ballots. As per state law, the dates to file, report, and amend, terminate are regulated by the Secretary of State as per state law, not city ordinance.

    These reporting dates can be found @

    I believe if Matt Paulson has funded any local candidates in Sioux Falls, he would have done so privately by self funding candidates outside the prevue of the Falls Community Growth Pac which is totally a separate venture based on my recollections.

  2. You are correct, they don’t have to file for statewide races, but per city ordinance since they gave to the candidates they should follow city ordinance and file with the city the same as the candidates.

  3. I believe that would be the Candidates that must file where they got the money, and how they spent it. I do not think any outside PAC needs to report directly to the Council if I am understanding that correctly. The Candidates took the money, they must report that money, and they must report how that money was spent. I have more of issue with current council members contributing to potential candidates for the council more than I got from Statewide Pacs.

  4. Read the post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any PAC involved with the city election has to follow the same rules as the candidates they are giving to. Which is common sense. Why would a candidate have to explain their financials but not the one donating to them?

    Trust me, I know this will get swiftly swept under the rug, but we have a whole big bag of goodies coming after Tuesday.

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