Well, some nicknames can’t last forever, and now with a new term, we may have to drop Poops and replace it with Mayor Hottie Pants (see below).
People continue to vote for image NOT substance.
This exchange on Argus 911 FB page says all you need to know about how the desperate housewives of Taupeville vote. Ironically, I told a friend the other night while watching the debates, Ms. Islam isn’t too hard on the eyes either, but I still voted for the hippie.
If you go to the thread (April 12) you will also see several blatant racist comments about Muslims. But the comparisons to Trump and how much Captain Hottie Pants has accomplished really had me laughing. I wonder what city some of these people have been living in the past 4 years? I wonder if they realize the SE District is just a district and not the entire city?

Taupeville reeks of simpleton Escalade-driving brood mares, and unfortunately they get to vote if they register. The young mommies get totally swept up in the emotion of the maternal instinct – a vote for a handsome church going baby daddy who they perceive will protect their white privilege way of life…is a slam dunk. And, woe to any other candidate – for mayor or otherwise – who challenged or criticized PTH. Illustrating such inconvenient truths triggered Barbies to cast revenge votes against the election losers.
If a former resident has a vote, I like Poops. I missed how you came up with that one. Explain, please.
I see “Toolbox” in that thread. That would do, too.
That’s the nickname his youngest daughter gave him.
Awwwwh. It’s gotta be Poops, then.
That’s it. Make Chippendales mayor and council candidates. Call Election Day a Bachelorette Party. Then, but only then, can city government return to democracy and there’s an end to Strong Arm Charter.
“‘Hottie Pants’?”…. “and ‘…easy on the eyes?'”…. “Are you sure they weren’t talking about Dua Baby?”…. (“I still say we should have found Dua a RV, which would make her a totally legal South Dakota citizen, and then ran her against Noem”…. “Because, I tell ya….”). #PapaRichyKnowsBest
Taupe houses, black and white SUVs, Silverstar, Limitless Male, three tornadoes, flooding, rioting, mask and maskless, a toolbox, doxing, Amazon, inflation, new tax assessments, food deserts, labor shortage, housing crisis, police cell phones, the Bunker Ramp, Events Center siding, and the list goes on…. Did you say hot mess?…. That we are…. #ChippendalePolitics
“Say, that one guy looks like Jamie”…. (“I still say we should have ran Dua”….)”….
Perhaps, the two should merge and now be known as Taupeville-Chippendale. Chippendale sounds better, don’t you think? It gives it a flair, a dance, who needs their pants kind of thing.
( and Woodstock adds: “Say, that’s a good idea, then maybe the Limitless Male clients might want to work at a new Scarlett’s placed next to Limitless”… “We are a growing city, you know”…. )
“‘…easy on the eyes’?”….. Is that the real reason he was against wearing a mask?
“Come to think of it, I’d just drop the ‘Taupeville’ and call it ‘Peyton Place-Chippendale'”….
I call it North Harrisburg on occasion.
I still say, some in our fair city have always had a subconscious wish to be a suburb of Minneapolis. Do you remember that whole Munson/Sanford wish to replace Mankato as the Minnesota Viking’s training center/city back in ’06?…. “Chippendale”, we could be an imaginary suburb nestled somewhere in between Chanhassen and the Rosedale Mall….. #HeWasntCalledMondaleForNothing
“It’s Harrisburg with class”…. ” It has a Walmart without campers”…. “Come to think of it, they are all probably camping somewhere (Someday?) with the Mayor”….
“Hottie Pants”, “Hot Mess Mom Vote”, the Mayor, Taupeville, Barbies, Escalades, Poops, Baby Day, toolbox, Strong Arm Charter, Chippendales, Dua, Jamie, Papa Richy, Peyton Place, the Bunker Ramp, Amazon, Silverstar, Limitless Male, Scarlett’s, Minneapolis, the Vikings, Munson, Sanford, Harrisburg, Walmart, camping, Chanhassen, Rosedale, and now Mondale (I heard he only worked Monday nights….) , where in the hell is this thread going?….
It’s going straight to hell!…. Well, that’s at least what Pastor Rick told me.