South DaCola

Sign the Recreational Marijuana Petition TODAY & Next Weekend!


There are just 18 days left until the May 3 deadline to submit our petitions to the South Dakota Secretary of State. We need just under 17,000 valid signatures to qualify. However, we currently have only 13,500.

But with your help, we can finish this signature drive in the next two weeks and ensure that our recreational cannabis legalization initiative qualifies for the November 2022 ballot. Important updates:

  1. We established a Petition Hotline – 605-269-8552
    We can help you find a signing location, get involved as a volunteer, apply for a job as a paid circulator, or answer any other questions. Call or text 24 hours a day.
  2. Rapid City Drivethru Petition Signing Event this weekend
    You can sign the petition without even getting out of your car. You can also pick up petitions and handouts and get trained as a volunteer.
    WHERE: 230 E North St, Rapid City, SD
    WHEN: This Saturday and Sunday (April 16th and 17th) from 10am to 7pm MT
  3. Sioux Falls Drivethru Petition Signing Event next weekend
    This will be our second Drivethru in Sioux Falls at our campaign headquarters.
    WHERE: 1020 S Minnesota Ave, Sioux Falls, SD
    WHEN: Next Saturday and Sunday (April 23rd and 24th) from 10am to 7pm CT
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