The title of the blue framed art piece should be: ‘David Won!’
That first black framed one should be entitled: “Who’s that cowboy with Snoop?” AND, the second black framed one should have the title of: “Cloths make the person”
I am not sure how germane this is, but I just noticed that there’s a candidate in southern Taupeville whose last name is “Hixon”. Boy, that’s a name to have if you are in politics. It must be what you get when you cross a Hubert with a Tricky Dick. #HixonNow #NowMoreThanEver. #IAmNotANixon
The title of the blue framed art piece should be: ‘David Won!’
That first black framed one should be entitled: “Who’s that cowboy with Snoop?” AND, the second black framed one should have the title of: “Cloths make the person”
I am not sure how germane this is, but I just noticed that there’s a candidate in southern Taupeville whose last name is “Hixon”. Boy, that’s a name to have if you are in politics. It must be what you get when you cross a Hubert with a Tricky Dick. #HixonNow #NowMoreThanEver. #IAmNotANixon