I have made it about half way thru my personal review of the bands playing the Levitt this year, and the lineup is chucked full of great Blues, Ethnic, Country, Rock, Local and Contemporary. 50 SHOWS! ALL FREE! Plus Lee Rocker closes it out!

Besides our Parks and Bike Trail, the Levitt is one of the best taxpayer investments in this city! Now if they would let us bring our own beer* and ban pets**, it would be even better 🙂

*Last year an individual alcoholic beverage was $7. It will be interesting to see if that gets raised to $8 this year. While the beverage sales do help the Levitt with contributions, I think it has been overinflated. I am waiting for the financials from 2021 to see what that percentage is. Even if we allowed people to bring their own beer and wine (no liquor) they could still keep the bar and maybe even have a cooler fee you would have to pay to receive 21+ armbands.

**My biggest concern about pets has always been about the well being of the pets. The crowd and noise can cause anxiety (I’ve witnessed many close dog fights) it is often to hot and what I see the most of is them pooping and peeing all over the lawn, and I have witnessed many people walk thru it. Can people just leave their pets at home for a couple of hours without dragging them around like some trophy everywhere? Unless it is a service dog, leave them at home. PLEASE! JazzFest always had a ban on pets, and it worked great!

2 Thoughts on “Levitt FREE Concert Series is Stellar

  1. Very Stable Genius on May 6, 2022 at 11:17 am said:

    The Chick-fil-A drive-thru, the bike trail, and the Levitt: If a person only has one day to spend in Sioux Falls, then that’s what I recommend.

    (and Woodstock adds: “Still kind of disappointed that the Levitt didn’t include a Andrews Sisters tribute trio into the mix and Dua is available in August during her tour break… Just saying”…. )

  2. "Woodstock" on May 7, 2022 at 9:45 am said:

    “What about the Battleship South Dakota?”…. “I don’t think it gets enough credit”…. “And what about a walking tour of West Sioux while we are at it?”…. (“I much more myself enjoyed the Delbridge Collection when it was in that old dusty hardware store”…. )

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