The property owned by Alex Halbach (who just happened to be the Campaign treasurer for Central District Councilor Curt Soehl) may get a FREE parking lot. Item #32. (FF:55:30)
Mr. Halbach decided to skip the meeting last night, but his neighbors did not, and they said they have been trying to meet with him but he ignores them. The council deferred it 30 days. Rumor has it that Halbach made threats about stopping the project if he didn’t get this to go thru so there may be a re-consideration vote on the matter next week.
Interesting that Curt Soehl did not recuse himself from the vote because of his conflicts. So far Soehl has re-instated the facade easement program (so Halbach could apply for it).
Getting him a free parking lot (Halbach says he doesn’t want to ruin the greenspace in his backyard) and when he applies for the facade easement that will likely pass also.
This is how councilors pay back supporters with YOUR tax money.
The late Anthony Bourdain was right when he claimed that culture cannot come from a coffee shop. That’s why Black Sheep Coffee needed a big mural. Zoning definitely knew how to destroy them. Because coffee is way overrated. Now, ‘Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee’ might be worth it though, but it was the laughter and not the coffee that made that show. AND, creating a new parking lot to save a green space is revenue neutral at best. A Democrat who works the system in a Republican state, however, is something new. Apparently, someone has finally smelled the coffee. But will Democrats file an ethics charge against one of their own? Or, would that be too hot to handle? But what if it came from McDonalds?
#LookWhatsBrewing #PercolatorTime