South DaCola

UPDATE II: This is what happens when you have a cruise control, rubber stamp Sioux Falls City Council

UPDATE II: I guess the reason the city isn’t using Keysolutions EAP anymore is because Keysolutions dissolved that entity of the counseling services.

Remember when councilors Starr and Brekke were overruled by 6 of their fellow councilors over hiring a Felon for counseling services?

Well guess what, the city is out in the cold.

Like the Bunker Ramp, when you have out of touch city leadership approving ridiculous things, bad outcomes occur.

Watching councilor Starr’s testimony, you have to kind of scratch your head and wonder what the 6 rubber stampers and HR director were thinking? I will tell you. They don’t think. They turn on the cruise control and rubber stamp, cross fingers and hope for the best.

UPDATE: The city has been looking for an internal part-time counselor since November. While that is a good thing to have an internal person, they also need an outside service for confidentiality purposes. I would also think with around 1,300 employees they could find someone full-time internally.

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