There has been some speculation out there that I may be competition with the new media coming soon in Sioux Falls. Hardly. Even I know that what my blog offers is mostly my editorial view on what is happening in local government and my enduring fight for transparency, common sense, and good government. I even hope to assist them in any way possible.

I am thrilled that Jon and Joe are launching an alternative to the hospital, food truck, developer welfare crazed local media.

Almost every day I see our local media miss the big stories that effect local governing.

During and after the last local election there were two big stories out there about Councilor Dr. Sarah Cole that not one single media outlet in Sioux Falls would cover;

• Before she voted for herself, Cole had NEVER voted in a local election even though she had lived here for almost 10 years.

• She received $17,500 from Mayor TenHaken’s PAC as a campaign donation.

It has always amazed me when I will hand a story to the media on a silver platter they do nothing with it. I hope Jon and Joe don’t fall into this pattern.

Recently I was reading comments on social media about how our local officials don’t listen to constituents and how we need to make them listen to our concerns and needs. This is true, I have been doing it for 16 years and have seen many positive changes in Sioux Falls due to my diligence and the diligence of my readers but what really needs to happen is there needs to be a full court press to change the makeup of these bodies which means getting the public involved with local elections, not just voting in progressive candidates but volunteering for their campaigns.

The regular Sioux Falls constituent is getting clobbered at the ballot box because of low voter turnout and the massive amount of money being thrown at candidates by the ruling elite. It is unethical and dark.

I’m hoping The Dakota Scout starts to uncover how this dark money has turned our local government bodies into impractical, ignorant, rubber stampers that virtually do NOTHING for the everyday citizen in Sioux Falls let alone hear anything they say.

I wish them luck! Telling the truth about things can be a very lonely place sometimes, but it is always rewarding.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “South DaCola welcomes The Dakota Scout”
  1. I realize there’s a ruling class that doesn’t advertise in old school media if there’s any negative reporting. Likely, there will always be control by republicans and 2 billionaires. Still, it’s nice to find truth and detail from blogs. One gets tired of propaganda and less than complete reporting.

  2. During WW2 it was the French Resistance that subtly contributed to advancing into Berlin. Then, there was no internet. Now, the Nazi’s would be defeated in half the time.

  3. If the elite around here are like Nazis, then I can’t wait for the Quentin Tarantino movie about them.


  4. Dakota Scout, I believe International made them for a while back in the 1960s. Or, was that a Dodge Dakota and an International Scout? But either way, I appreciate their Lt. Dunbar spirit. #Tonka’-‘ #TwoSocks #HoldingDownTheFort #FreeSpirit

  5. Blue conspiracy theorists living in a red state thinking the red state is out to get them. Get out of your town every once in a while. Take off the tin foil and replace every once in a while.

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